Wool Pad and Racing Stripes

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by mct96gt, Dec 3, 2010.

  1. mct96gt

    mct96gt Virgin Detailer

    I've heard that wool pads are not really that great to use with DA polishers and should only be used on rotaries. Is this true? Any advice on this?

    Second I'm about to detail and polish a car with vinyl racing stripes. How should those be treated during the detail? Tape them off and don't polish them? Is it safe to seal and wax them however? Thanks for the help. Really interested in this. I saw a thread about a guy who did a Shelby with racing stripes but he never addressed how he tackled them. Thanks for the help.

    OH yeah and is there a difference in like detailing APC (i.e. meg's apc, adams apc, 1z apc, etc etc) and something like simple green??
  2. Danny

    Danny Nuba Guru

    I replied on MM man:)

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