Hi there, I was wondering, is there anything in the make-up of the "glass guard" that makes it stick better to glass surfaces than your nano paint sealant, aka, the "Body Wrap"? I have always used regular paint sealants on glass in the past, so naturally I just put some of the "body wrap" on the windows when I did the application. I've never used any dedicated glass sealants, so really I am just trying to justify purchasing my first one on the next order. Is it really noticeably more effective at protecting glass? Does it last longer? Seems like a really interesting product! :thumb:
I just spoke with a fellow member about the Body Wrap "smearing" and being tougher to remove from glass. Is the "glass guard" much easier to work with on glass surfaces? Easy on- easy-off? Heck, that alone, to me, is worth it if it's true.
Hi! I wouldn't recommend BW on glass, because as said you'll get smearing and the bonding isn't the same. BW has gloss enhancers so that's definitely something you don't want on the glass ! The sealants are made differently because each surface is different, therefore bonding isn't the same. Glass Guard is pretty simple to apply, check out my videos here >> http://www.detailingbliss.com/forum/wolfs-chemicals/30238-how-apply-wolfs-nano-sealants-videos.htm