I have a 3oz tub of Fuzion I'd like to trade. I'm looking to trade this for another paste wax to try. Not sure what though! Let me know if you have anything that might interest me.
Sorry, dude, I just bought a panel pot of it. I'm going to try that out first. Thanks for the offer though.
how about a brand new in the box unopened http://www.detailersdomain.com/autoglymhighdefinitionwaxfortheultimatefinish.aspx
Sorry, I was lucky enough to pick up a couple of those at Walmart last month. Thanks for the offer though! Anybody have any Lusso Oro or Pinnacle Sig Series II?
Barry I have a 2oz sample tub of Lusso ORO 90%+ left I can trade. That alone might not be enough to make a fair trade so check my collection thread for anything that might tickle your fancy.