
Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by Cooter, Jan 5, 2010.

  1. Cooter

    Cooter Guest

    You can really tell winter is in full effect. Not much along the lines of product discussion.
    Winter is hurting us down here. Low tonight so far is 17F. Its suppose to be in the single digits friday. We even got some snow flurries yesterday morning. I'm sick of cold weather already. I want to detail my car, but I dont want pneumonia!!!! Unlike some ppl I know from Hawaii, that have to endure that god-awful 70 degree weather year around cough cough ( Brent)!!

    Stay Warm!!!

  2. billy

    billy Obsessive Detailer

    winter in here its really bad we are in the 100F :p: come down here man!! i hook u up with some Brazilian "weather" :gidiup:
  3. Chas

    Chas DB Forum Supporter

    I hear you Heath I want summer ASAP. Its been in the twenties here all week but its been windy as hell and its putting the temperature close to 0 on somedays. My rule is dont wash unless its 40 degrees so I have awhile to go I guess haha. SUMMMMMMMMERRRR!!!!!!!!! (Imagine that being as dramatic as Rocky yelling Adrian)
  4. GBS

    GBS Wax on..Wax off

    It's even cold down in south Florida. We're going to have the most consecutive cold days in 83 years. At least it has not got down to freezing yet.
  5. MisterShark

    MisterShark Birth of a Detailer

    How's that global warming working out for ya?
  6. cnut

    cnut Guest

    It is uncommonly cold for us in these parts. Heath, we to had snow flurries yesterday morning as well. The consecutive days of cold weather is what's so unusual. Come on back summer!
  7. pektel

    pektel DB Forum Supporter

    It's been -24 farenheit or colder the past few mornings here. I really need to wash my car, but the torpedo heater costs too much to heat an uninsulated garage when it's that cold.

    When it warms up to about zero, then I'll wash it again.
  8. Deep Gloss Auto Salon

    Deep Gloss Auto Salon DB Pro Supporter

    I used to have to do my winter washing in my works prototype garage but not anymore...Heated garage with a drain for the

    Sorry, sorry, didn't mean to rub it
  9. matrix_808

    matrix_808 DB Supporter

    HAHAHA I got my own little tag in this!!! Well hey when it does get to the mid 60s here I start freezing LOL
  10. eyezack87

    eyezack87 Guest

    hehe, I love living in a place with nice weather. Stay warm Heath! :)
  11. kustomizingkid

    kustomizingkid Nuba Guru

    I HATE MN... I'm moving south ASAP...
  12. Nica

    Nica Banned

    lol..welcome to my world :cold:
  13. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    Mid 30's during the late afternoon here, sucks cuz I want to wash my car and put down some protection for the winter but dont feel like leaving the nice warm house! LOL I hope tomm I can get my lazy butt out there.
  14. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    I feel for you Carlos. I'm only a one hour flight away and its warm here. Around 10C today. You guys must have pissed mother nature off something fierce.
  15. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Yea tell me about it, the garage door didn't want to open today lol.
  16. pirex

    pirex DB Certified Dealer

    -25c here today, thats -17F
  17. MisterShark

    MisterShark Birth of a Detailer

    Don't worry. According to Al Gore it should be warming up any time now.
  18. michakaveli

    michakaveli Welcome to Detailing

    I had the joy of replacing some cracked and damaged CPVC pipe 2 days ago. in a frigid attic, with the only entrance access is through a hole in the ceiling, accessed by a ladder. YEAY!
  19. Bob

    Bob Birth of a Detailer

    I've had to turn down some details this winter. Some days have just been too cold for my heater to keep up in my non-insulated garage.
  20. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    :thud: Hmmm, think I may put that trip to Norway on hold for a bit longer....

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