Why did I buy a black car!!!

Discussion in 'Professional Detailer's Studio' started by dsms, Mar 7, 2009.

  1. dsms

    dsms DB Forum Supporter

    Definitely Not for days like this...


    but more for days like this...






    The snow pics were taken a few weeks ago, funny how I end up taking very similar shots of my car at similar angles.

    Finally after several weeks of filth I was granted my wish of above freezing weather to wash my car.

    Of course my simple plan of foaming, ONR'ing and a once over on the wheels truned into a full on exterior detail.

    Quick process:

    -Foam w/ Maxi suds
    -2BM w/ GI gloss shampoo and maxi suds
    -Gi wheel gel
    -Tarminator on tires (works great for deep cleaning)

    The car was wearing I believe 5coats of GI gloss finish but since I wont be polishing it for another month or so I decided to add 2 more coats as a top up.

    -GI Signature Gloss sealant appied via gold LC foam and flex
    -GI Concourso Gloss applied over Signature Gloss by hand
    -Final GI gloss enhancer wipedown
    -GI Signature Tire gloss on tires
    -2 more coats of Rejex on the wheels

    A 1 hour wash turned into a 4hour detail:doh:

    But as long as the nice weather is around I couldnt be happier








    Heres some interior pics, did not detail the inside yesterday


    I really like the cinnamon on aluminum, something a little different I think








    Of course black is a true PITA to keep clean but when it is clean there is just nothing better:applause2:

    Thanks for letting me share:thumb:
  2. J BELL

    J BELL Nuba Guru

    That is one gorgeous car sir. I love the wheels on it...i think if you are gonna get a black car, a harder clear coat will be better for wash marring. Once again man that is just beautiful
  3. Duratys

    Duratys Welcome to Detailing

    I have to agree...I really like the lines of that car. Nice work :thumb:
  4. Wolfs Chemicals

    Wolfs Chemicals DB Certified Manufacturer

    Sexy car David, but your tailpipes are dirty :D :D. When did you get it?
  5. SSTG

    SSTG DB Forum Supporter

    Yes beautiful car. But the tips being dirty is the first thing I noticed also.
    Tough crowd around here you know.:giggle:
  6. detaildoc

    detaildoc Guest

    Really nice! :applause2:
  7. Dontsleeponit

    Dontsleeponit Jedi Nuba

    because you would regret getting silver, like I did...
  8. Buddy

    Buddy Getting to know Detailing

    Great detail. Love those rims and black as well. Just got done doing my wifes car it's 65 degrees right now...:thumb::thumb::thumb:
  9. Racer

    Racer Birth of a Detailer

    Sweet car:thumb:
  10. Pats300zx

    Pats300zx Official DB Moderator

    Looks amazing Dave.. I know what you mean about black cars. My 350Z is such a PITA to keep clean.
  11. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    Beautiful car Dave! That Gloss-it stuff is the dogs danglies, eh?
  12. Smith2287

    Smith2287 Welcome to Detailing

    Very nice job, you car is stunning. I did the same thing today on my new M3 yesterday was the first day I really drive the car in the two weeks I had it. I am going to have to try out that traminator trick on the tires as I have that dealer gel on there that is almost impossible to remove. I went through a lot of P21s auto wash and still can't get them back to regular. I wish I would have gotten a car that had no dealer prep at all.
  13. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    Try any solvent based tar and adhesive remover. You'll have to go over them with P21S after but they will be clean. I use Autoglym Tar and Adhesive Remover and then Autoglym Custom Wheel Cleaner.
  14. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    Beautiful Audi!
  15. dsms

    dsms DB Forum Supporter

    Ahh, see the thing about detailing your own car is that you have the option of omitting certain areas which you hate cleaning. In this case I didnt feel like getting down and dirty with the tailpipes so I didnt clean them.

    I got the car early November.
  16. Wolfs Chemicals

    Wolfs Chemicals DB Certified Manufacturer

    Hmm, valid point... I guess that's why I still haven't cleaned the juice stains my son made on the back seat... I hate my car anyway :).
  17. mb43

    mb43 Obsessive Detailer

    Looks great. There was nice weather in Boston today as well.
  18. dsms

    dsms DB Forum Supporter

    Haha, its funny how we do things for customers cars we often times wouldnt do for our own car.
  19. mb43

    mb43 Obsessive Detailer

    Good point, I've never done a full detail on my car hahaha.
  20. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    It definitely is a beautiful vehicle! Black cars are my favorite!

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