Hey guys, never used this product Iron X before, used ValueGaurd mostly. Which one is a better choice, Car Pro Iron X or Aquartz Iron Cut? Need to know pros and cons, andwhere to purchase at, have a few vehicles coming up need to use this product on. Thanks for any information.:applause2:
C.Carpro IronX and Aquartz Iron Cut are both netrelized acid type products; a simple one-step application (check with Detailers Domain) Valuguard as you already use it you know how & where to buy it
umm yea i used iron X today. Didn't notice anything on the bottle so i sprayed the whole inside of the wheel with it. It turned my wheel weights bright green. Some of it is rubbing off but its seriously a lot of work trying to get this green off. On their web site which of course i looked at just now it says to mask off the wheel weights. Just a heads up for everyone else.