To be honest with you guys, some your screen names are cool, but how did you come up with them? What do they mean? For example: Dust2Glory- For one it's the name of my business. But it also has a faith based meaning as well. That God made us from dust and one day we'll made into glory. So, anyway what about yours?
advs1= a devious one, my wife once told me i was the most devious person she knew. i guess she was saying that because i always get my way with her LOL
eyezack87: "eye zack" is just a different way of saying my name since there is emphasis on certain parts. The 87 is the year I was born. Most people think my name is Zack but its actually Isaac, in which people do this after I tell them :duh: lol
I used to do some DJ'ing at college parties and bars in St. Louis, and went to Vianney high school here. High schools and St. Louis kind of go hand-in-hand, so my good buddy started calling me DJ JonnyV, as my name is Jon.
Bigfoot = mine was put to me thanks to my high school mates. I had the biggest foot in my class (13) and everybody kept sayin: "dang! you have a big foot!" But for all of you, you can just call me Joey
Urban Dictionary: slanguage Also the name of a DJ. Heard a good song from on Sirius Radio. You can just call me Roger
It's a combination of things. I'm real big on philosophy so I 'reflect' on things a lot in life. It also has its roots in detailing with the reward of reflection shots.
it originally came from an episode of Batman: The Animated Series, where Bruce's childood hero was "The Grey Ghost" and the name came up when looking for a nickname for my old car.... now i use it as an alter ego, and will apply it to my next project
My name is Jordan hence the J and the college golf teammates call me by that still.
My nic came from an old saying- Drunk as Cooter Brown. I got drunk one night about 15years ago and everybody was telling me- you're drunk as Cooter Brown. So, it kinda stuck and all my friends just called me "Cooter". You can call me Heath!!
First two initials followed by my last name. It was the user ID I was given at UNC for my email, back in 1992 or so.