Whats your Favorite Quick detailer?

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by Max405, Jul 16, 2010.

  1. Max405

    Max405 DB Forum Supporter

    Hi Guys,
    Well, its been 2 weeks since my last full wax application and I am itching to re-apply again. I want to pop my head out of my butt and try something different. Instead of wasting expensive wax every 2 weeks, I'd think I should try a really good quick detailer.

    My question is: What is your favorite Quick detailer? And showing how little I know, should I be using a specific QD for topping a Swiss vax Carnuba? I have 2-1/2 bottles of Gloss it QD left and I really like that stuff. But I get the sense that it is made to top a sealant, not a carnuba.

    I would really appreciate your opinions/preferences. What do YOU like using and why? And is there a difference between a QD for wax or a QD for sealant.

    Thanks, Joe D
  2. domino

    domino Welcome to Detailing

    i permanently keep Prima Slick in my wash bucket - seems to do everything well, it has enough cleaning power to tackle water spots if you catch them early, flashes very quickly with no streaks so its quick to use, and leaves the paint with a slightly deeper finish and improved slickness

    i also like FK425 but it doesnt clean as well as Slick
  3. pektel

    pektel DB Forum Supporter

    Some QD's are designed to work with sealants, as they will have polymers in them.

    I prefer Zymol Field Glaze over nubas for looks. I only use it on a clean surface though.
  4. mx22

    mx22 Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    A lot of people on this board are using Optimum No Rinse dilluted to QD ratio. I've just got a bottle, but didn't get to use it just yet - still have some Adam's QD left...
  5. togwt

    togwt Nuba Guru

    +1 for diluted OPT ONR as a quick detailer
  6. cptzippy

    cptzippy Jedi Nuba

    It also depends on what your purpose is for using QD. I have two distinct uses. One is very light cleaning where the diluted ONR works very well. The other is adding slickness after a wash between waxes (spray or full). I have been using OID (OPT Instant Detailer ) for this lately. Prima Slick falls between these two and works pretty well for either. Don't have a lot of experience with any others except the OTC Meg's stuff and it was like spaying water IME.
  7. Max405

    Max405 DB Forum Supporter

    This is what I was concerned about. I love the Gloss it stuff, but I think it hazes when I use it too much over a Carnuba because I do believe it contains polymers. I may be wrong but I've seen the hazing happen.

    I like the idea of using the Zymol Field Glaze. I think thats a good idea, because its a carnuba based product. I would try the Swissvax quick detailer if someone says its great, but I've been put off by the price of it.

    Please keep the ideas coming because I think it is a very worthwhile subject.
    Joe D.
  8. Max405

    Max405 DB Forum Supporter

    Hi, My purpose is for after a wash and in between waxes. If my car gets dusty or dirty it gets washed. Its not a daily driver so I can afford to be really anal with it.
  9. mx22

    mx22 Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    I think you can do ONR wash in between major washes - should not remove or haze your wax (at least I have not heard of it doing either). No need for a QD whipe down. Should be more then enough since this is not your daily driver and I would assume you park your Porsche in the garage, away from nature elements.
  10. Max405

    Max405 DB Forum Supporter

    Mmmm.. Maybe I should be looking into ONR. Another thing that concerns me is everytime I wash, my rotors rust. Then the 1st time I drive the car, the inside of the wheels are covered with the granuals of the ground off rust. Washing the car might be reducing the life span of my brakes. Cant win.
  11. Emile

    Emile Welcome to Detailing

    Blackfire Deep Gloss Spray Sealant is an excellent "beauty" QD/spray sealant IMO. I always have a gallon of that stuff, and Optimum Car Wax, and I am going to add a gallon of Duragloss Aquawax to my shelf.

    But the BF Spray Sealant is the only QD/spray sealant I like to use with quality waxes and sealants.
  12. rwisejr

    rwisejr DB Forum Supporter

    Adam's and Prima Slick are my to favorites
  13. Max405

    Max405 DB Forum Supporter

    Doesnt that contain polymers? if it does, do you think that would have anegative effect on rewaxing over it?
    Joe D.
  14. Kokopelli

    Kokopelli Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Which QD would you guys use as a pad primer? I mean I want my polish absorbed less and worked longer withe better lubrication.

    I have ONR, OID and ValetPro Citrus Bling already. All of them work really good as quick wipe downs.
  15. pektel

    pektel DB Forum Supporter

    I normally just use a spritz of distilled water for pad priming. I used to have a bottle of CG polishing pad conditioner.
  16. trhland

    trhland Nuba Guru

    for an all around q/d i use adams!!!! its just a nice q/d paint windows crome . anything.easy to use smells great too..
  17. nyrep1

    nyrep1 Obsessive Detailer

    adams, oid, are love but the chem guys synthetic is amazing to me. keeps my truck feeling slick for 3-4 days .
  18. trhland

    trhland Nuba Guru

    whats great about adams is i mist the entire truck while wet with adams q/d then dry with a microfiber towel . and it makes drying sooo much easyer. and spot free. its a great drying q/d. no hard rubbing which is nice .
  19. Emile

    Emile Welcome to Detailing

    It's a great question that nobody really has an answer to. I've been topping up my sealant protection with the BFWD Spray Sealant every week after a wash, and last week-end I applied two coats of Fuzion and it bonded fine. It's beyond me what happens to the Polymers in the BFWD Spray Sealant but my gut tells me that the wax goes through the polymers to bond to the paint and removes the polymers.

    Many QD's and car wash soaps contain polymers that bond to the vehicle surface but it's still fine to wax over them.
  20. trhland

    trhland Nuba Guru

    for a spray wax i use souveran. if you want that just waxed look....

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