What to use on red stains?

Discussion in 'Interior Car Care' started by GDAL, Aug 10, 2010.

  1. GDAL

    GDAL Guest


    I'm looking for something to clean red stains. I just purchased a car and there are red stains on the carpet. It seems that red soda was spilled (not oily).

    Any advice fellas?

  2. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    Let's see some pics of the new ride first mate!
  3. GDAL

    GDAL Guest

  4. GDAL

    GDAL Guest

    I haven't even washed it yet ... LOL.
  5. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    Try some opt power clean or folex
  6. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing


    If that doesnt work, try looking in the laundry aisle at the grocery store or wally world. look at dyes for clothes. someone makes a stain remover for reds I think. Its expensive for a little bottle but might just do the trick.

    I think I saw it at Acme up here.

    Hope this helps G!
  7. Mindflux

    Mindflux Welcome to Detailing

  8. GDAL

    GDAL Guest

    funny that you posted this 'cause I was looking actually searching the TOL website. I'm gonna give this product a try.
  9. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    the TOL stuff we cant get G:

    Due to VOC Regulations, This product cannot ship to CA, CT, DE, DC, IN, IL, ME, MD, MA, MI, NH, NJ, NY, OH, PA, RI, VT VA, WI


  10. GDAL

    GDAL Guest

  11. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    yeah, thats the one thing about there site. You gotta read the whole description. They like to put these disclaimers all the way on the bottom.
  12. vtec92civic

    vtec92civic Nuba Guru

    I was going to suggest that to you as well GDAL. BTW nice whip man . . . . . can't wait to see it detailed up.

    I do have another solution for you though . . . . . only thing i ask is a review of the product if you decide to purchase it.


    company makes some superb detail skids, trailers and has all sorts of stuff from PDR to wheel repair stuff as well.

    Hope that works for you man. Took me quit a bit of time to search as i knew there was a place i seen that kit at just couldn't remember exactly where until the last minute LoL
  13. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    rightlook carries some good stuff. havent ordered from them in quite a while.
  14. vtec92civic

    vtec92civic Nuba Guru

    i've personally never ordered from them but i have spoken to some of their people and almost ordered a trailer from them at one point in time. They do carry some top notch stuff though for sure.
  15. sal329

    sal329 Nuba Guru

    Ship it to me ill ship it to you. When we moved out of our apt we had red stains in my sons room, did not remove 100% but made 90% better with folex, spray n wash and steam. What yr Max?
  16. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    I always liked that body style. Nice whip dude. Welcome to the Nissan club.
  17. GDAL

    GDAL Guest

    it's a 2000 Maxima SE 5 spd. It's a really nice car. I'm really happy with it. I can't wait to get it detailed. It's immaculate inside. I have to compound/polish the outside and touch up a few areas. Looks amazing for being 10 years old. Only has 81k.
  18. Dangler

    Dangler Birth of a Detailer

    we need to find someone that doesn't live in any of those states....order it, and then send it ot us!!!
  19. sal329

    sal329 Nuba Guru

    I will suggest you disconnect the electronics to the motor mouints. One major prob these cars have is the mount short circuits and fries the the ECM and ISC.
  20. Tire Shredder

    Tire Shredder Jedi Nuba

    folex usually doesn't let me down!

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