I was working on the interior of a two yr old Acura RDX in new condition. This is what happened.... The RDX is equipped with hands free via blue tooth. I used 1z cockpit premium on the entire dash... I didn't use too much. After the client got back her car she claims the blue tooth on the car is no longer communicating with her black berry. The client goes to Acura and asks if the car was cleaned recently. WELL DA I DID THE ENTIRE LEATHER AND DASH JUST A DAY BEFORE ... of course it was cleaned... The dealer told her that he thinks i sprayed something that effected the electronics and i may be responsible. The car is going into Aura on Monday as the dealer wants it for the whole day. I am being set up and don't know what to do.... HELP ! and thx!
Did you document your work to show how much cleaner you sprayed,other than that I wouldn't know what else maybe you should have your clients sign a release form or something to protect you, good luck with everything
I'm not sure where the electronics for the Bluetooth are, but unless they are on top of the dash, I doubt very much your work had anything to do with it. Given the amount of alcohol in CP, it would have dissipated anyway. Could just be a coincidence, but unfortunately you are at the mercy of the dealer at this point. Did the client turn off the Bluetooth on her phone? This is why I NEVER spray cleaner directly onto a dash around the radio etc. Spray onto a MF and wipe. Good luck.
tell her to try another phone highly doubt doubt the bluetooth can be affected like this unless acura made it like a piece of shit bluetooth modules are hidden away and unless you drowned it, theres no way it can break, the front instrument panel would break before the bluetooth
Typical dealer BS, try to deflect the problem back to whoever touched the car............. sorry to hear this.
My sisters phone does that occasionally. She has some LG phone and a Hyundai Genesis. Maybe your client's Blackberry's bluetooth turns off if it isn't being connected to for a certain amount of time. I never heard anything like that happening due to "overspray" OMG! Sounds like bull to me, she probably just needs to re-sync her phone and (not sure if this pertains to Acura too) but re-enter pairing code "0000" (this may be different for Acura..) Damn dealers...
The bluetooth unit in my 2G TSX is well hidden beneath the center dash (It sits behind the radio controls basically), I know this because mine broke 2 weeks after buying the car, and they had to replace the unit.
According to this website: http://oemacuraparts.com/partlocato...0150&callout=3&catalogid=2&displayCatalogid=0 The bluetooth is inside the cabin compartment, along with things like fuse box/ecu control module/fuel pump control module. I think the dealer is full of shit.
tell the dealer he sucks balls...seriously, dude, I had 2005 Acura RL, which now is my mom's car, and use CP all the time and NEVER had a problem...Try syncing her phone yourself, sync you phone too...and if it works, tell the dealer he sucks balls...
Thanks for the feedback. I used the Master Blaster to remove any dust on the steering wheel. The buttons on the steering wheel now function but when i try to call out with hands free it says the line is already in use. The car is going in on Monday. I"ll post the results when i get the car back. Have a good week-end! Hp