Cleaning up after fun in the sun . . . Boat seats get filthy. Sun tan oils/lotions, sweat, drinks, wet swimsuits, whatever. Even if the owner makes a good hearted attempt to wipe down after the weekend there is still gunk that is in the seams and around the piping. After a few weeks you end up with a creeping black yuck, if the boat sits covered it can get really bad. Scrubbing with a mild soapy solution barely breaks down the mildew. To be honest Scrubbing Bubbles works best, but I am sure it is not doing anything good to the vinyl. This past weekend I tried 1Z Cockpit and Plastik and even a little bit of Leather Master; the results were underwhelming even with a lot of scrubbing. So here is the question I STFA and found a lot on cleaning and treating leather, however there was precious little on vinyl seats. Has anyone tried 3M™ Marine Vinyl Cleaner and Restorer 09029 or 3M™ Marine Vinyl Cleaner, Conditioner and Protector 9023? Or the automotive based 3M™ Leather & Vinyl Cleaner / Restorer 39040? Or Leather Magic dot com Vinyl Cleaner? Or Meguiar's Heavy Duty Vinyl Cleaner? Or anything else that works on really grunged vinyl without a lot of elbow grease? Or do I just stick with Scrubbing Bubbles?