Werkstat Prime issues

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by gthal, May 16, 2009.

  1. gthal

    gthal Two Bucket System Washer

    Hi everyone,

    I'm relatively new to detailing. I just completed my wife's black Hyundai Veracruz as a test :) before I go to my Infiniti G37 coupe.

    1. I washed the car
    2. Clay barred the car then re-washed
    3. Applied Menzerna Power Finish via white LCC pad and my PC 7424
    4. ISO alcohol wipedown
    5. Applied Jeffs Werkstatt Prime Strong via black LCC pad and PC
    6. Removed and applied 2 coats of Acryllic Jett Trigger

    The Verzacruz looks amazing!! No swirls, amazing color and shine.

    So, my problem is the Prime was SOOOO hard to remove. I ended up needing to spray a little Jett Trigger to get it off each panel (what a waste). I used Prime in the fall of last year and don't remember it being so hard to remove. It almost felt "stuck" to the paint. I don't think I used too much but maybe I did. Does anyone have any ideas on this? Before I do the Infiniti next weekend, I want to deal with this because my arm is dead after removing the prime!!!

    Any help would be so appreciated.
  2. Brent

    Brent Birth of a Detailer

    Generally I like to remove Prime a panel at a time rather than work it on the whole car then remove. That or use Polycharger in it to make it easier to remove.
    Any help would be so appreciated
  3. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    My guess is that you are using too much. I will put a thin bead down the centre of a Blackfire Ultimate applicator pad and that much will do half a door no problem. Lightly apply with a back and forth motion until it just starts to go off and remove with a short nap MF. You should have little or no residue left on the paint. Keep trying smaller areas until you can get it on and off with no issues. I like to start at the top of a panel, go back and forth to the bottom and come back up ( so you are going over the panel 2x ) then immediately remove. The whole process should take about 20-30 seconds.
  4. Ron1

    Ron1 Virgin Detailer

    I did a very similar job a couple weeks ago posted under my 2002 P car with pics. I applied the prime the same way grey pad on PC speed 4. Used the Prime very lightly maybe 3 drops on 6" pad. Applied to only 1/2 pannel at a time and buffed when it hazed. I did not have any problem with the product. Made the AJT very easy to apply and remove.

    I followed up with CJT and that became more problematic but still not that difficult. Maybe your using to much product or letting it set up to long.

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