weird spots on paint

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by usuarioFeliz, Dec 13, 2011.

  1. usuarioFeliz

    usuarioFeliz Virgin Detailer

    Hi guys, has anyone of you experienced weird spots on the paint? They appear to be UNDER the clearcoat. I had seen the once before, then they went away. I washed the car after 2 weeks of not washing it (really weird for me) and these spots are there. What is even weirder is that only one side of the car seems to be affected. Any input? as I stated, they appear to be UNDER the clear coat.

    imgur: the simple image sharer

    imgur: the simple image sharer

    I tried googling hard water spots but could not find one image that looked like this. All of them look like mineral deposits ON the paint. Can anyone point me to a reference of a pic that looks like these?

    I've detailed cars (not professionally) for so long and I had never seen something like this. Is it normal for them to appear UNDER the clear coat?

    I tried polishing with Wolfgang Swirl Remover with no luck.

  2. piginapoke

    piginapoke Obsessive Detailer

    Gotta Clay first then polish, I understand that you said you polished, but how?, I can still see enough swirl in your paint to know that you didnt remove much. If its under the clear then it will be more like blisters or bubbles. What are you using for soap? Clay? machine? pad?
  3. usuarioFeliz

    usuarioFeliz Virgin Detailer

    to be honest I tried polishing a very small piece by hand with a semi-rough pad. I used Wolfgang Total Swirl Remover on a small spot.

    I will try to clay and then polish with the PC to see if that helps, but they seem to be so hard on there, like I said almost like if they were under the clear coat.

    Is there a reputable product that will attack this particular issue?

    Also, Why would it be on one panel and not the one right next to it?
  4. piginapoke

    piginapoke Obsessive Detailer

    I would never polish without claying first, the paint should be as clean as you can possibly get it before polishing. Wash with Dawn 5 oz in 4 gallons of water with a half a cup of zep citrus degreaser, dry and inspect, then semi firm pad with a cutting polish, I am not famialiar with the polish you mentioned, but try meguiars 105 or both are available over the counter just about any auto parts store. If the spots are still there after a following those steps then only a repaint will correct it.
  5. usuarioFeliz

    usuarioFeliz Virgin Detailer

    well, claying didn't do anything to the spots. I will try the polish next.
  6. usuarioFeliz

    usuarioFeliz Virgin Detailer

    Polishing is diminishing the marks, but it's taking a long long time.
  7. piginapoke

    piginapoke Obsessive Detailer

    I have seen spots similiar to those from wheel cleaners and strong degreasers even some brake cleaners will etch paint, any chance you got something like that on the car?
  8. usuarioFeliz

    usuarioFeliz Virgin Detailer

    Not really. It's in the office garage all day and I always park that side next to a wall. But at this point I'm just happy it's coming off. I just need something way stronger since what I was using takes forever. a small 1'x1' will take around 5 minutes with the PC on 6.

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