Wax of Choice.

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by detaildude3629, Jul 23, 2010.

  1. detaildude3629

    detaildude3629 Birth of a Detailer

    Just a question to send out there, I have Swissvax Saphir not much left, have a new container of Dodo Juice Rainforerst Rub soft wax, just used about 6 time so far. I am now looking for maybe something different to use, latley I have been doing alot of dark vehicles, my price point is to stay under $ 100 range, what would you reccommend to buy, Dodo Juice Purple Haze is on sale at Justins site a great price, Raceglaze looks good to haven't tried it though,,feed back would help, Victoria wax also looks ok, another one is Maglourie wax, don't have the website to look it up though. I leaning toward Purple Haze for the pice,,or another choice you guys can reccommend. Any information would help out a bunch. Thanks again.:applause2:
  2. trhland

    trhland Nuba Guru

    i would say souveran paste. it will give you that ultimite gloss ur looking for..
  3. Max405

    Max405 DB Forum Supporter

    While I love Zuffenhausen and Concorso, I do like the Glasur by Zymol. If you are looking for a wax for around $100 that is a good one to consider.

    Joe D
  4. JLs Detailing

    JLs Detailing DB Pro Supporter

    Rubbish Boys OE is one of the best looking waxes you can buy and can be had for well under $100.
  5. trhland

    trhland Nuba Guru

    pinnacle sinature series 2 .for 50 bucks. its an awesome wax. and up there with higher end waxes as far as looks for sure.....
  6. detaildude3629

    detaildude3629 Birth of a Detailer

    anything on Raceglaze or Maguloires waxes,,I will check the other out..also what gives the depth and clearness is it the percentage of white carnuba bees wax and the oils added to the product, 30% or 40% or 50% of carnuba. thanks for the above information.:applause2:
  7. detaildude3629

    detaildude3629 Birth of a Detailer

    Where can I find Rubbish Boys OE from???Thanks guys:applause2:
  8. Legacy99

    Legacy99 Wax on..Wax off

    Miglore is a bitch to work with. Victoria Mayhem/Chaos would be my choice.
  9. domino

    domino Welcome to Detailing

    dude dont bother with RBOE or Migliore

    there are better waxes out there for similar money that are much easier to apply and remove, namely Victoria Concours (red) wax

    grab yourself a tub of that, you wont look back

    most of the site sponsors here are Vic sellers
  10. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    RaceGlaze 42 and 55 are great. Look awesome and easy to use. Durabilty is 4-5 months for 42 and 5-6 months for 55. I have both in stock. On dark solids, another great wax is Victoria Wax Mayhem. Three coats, which can be layered back to back with no curing time, will last 6 months. If its a dark metallic, try Victoria Wax Chaos. Both retail for around $30. I have tried RBOE and would say its way nicer on light colours and light metallics. IMHO, it can't match Victoria Wax or RG for depth or wetness on darks. Blackfire Midnight Sun is another good one for darks, especially metallics as it has polymers in it so won't mute the metallics as some nubas are prone to do.
  11. detailjohn

    detailjohn Detailers Advertising Scheme

    Dodo blue velvet pro is fantastic. Easy to use and looks awesome.
  12. Red Orc

    Red Orc Birth of a Detailer

    I'm really loving Fuzion right now. My car is a light color and I didn't think anything could make it glow like Fuzion (on top of Werkstatt Prime Strong).
    If I ever got tired of a wet glow I would probably go back to Autoglym HD Wax. It's an absolute pain to apply (for me anyway) but the shine it leaves is worth it.
  13. SHhhhh

    SHhhhh Two Bucket System Washer

    1000p for mine and the wife's daily driver. You can't beat the durability!

    50/50 on the Vette or Natty's blue.
  14. trhland

    trhland Nuba Guru

    i would say the oils and polimers..
  15. blucpe

    blucpe Birth of a Detailer

    megs 16, vic's concourse, pinnacle sov. liq. or paste.
  16. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    BLackfire Wet Diamond/Midnight Sun would be an amazing combo, and would fit the bill...
    Zymol Glazur would be another nice choice if you just want a wax on it's own for $100...
  17. Dylan@Adams

    Dylan@Adams Guest

    Without sounding like I'm trying to pitch product here -

    How many have you have tried our Americana Paste Wax? Honest curiosity if anyone has done comparisons with some of the other waxes suggested. Pinncacle Sov. was squarely our target to go after as it was a wax that many of us here liked and respected.

    I've done testing of a lot of other products, but obviously my opinion on this is gonna be skewed.

    Again, just curious.
  18. sal329

    sal329 Nuba Guru

    Americana has intrigued me but I have not used it becausae I have not found a write up by somone I trusted on the product. If it is like Souveran with better durability I sure would be even more inclined to trying it.
    to the Original topic I say wet obsession paste wax is great, souvern and sig series II if durability is not a concern, clearkote carnauba moose collinite 845. I have a few dodo waxes I have yet to try.
  19. nyrep1

    nyrep1 Obsessive Detailer

    i would be willing to try americana ...my main issue with most nubas is sweating and smearing....i have about 6 different sealants i purchased in the last 6 months and only 2 nubas . its very humid here and they just dont work well
  20. Red Orc

    Red Orc Birth of a Detailer

    I was really interested in Americana but my heart belongs to Fuzion right now. Once that's gone (Or if I catch a nice sale :) ) I might check it out. Problem is there's at least 10 other waxes I'd love to try too...

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