Wax It

Discussion in 'Sale, Trades, or Bargains' started by Berscht, Feb 24, 2009.

  1. Berscht

    Berscht Jedi Nuba

    I was just reading on another form that Wax It has gone out of business. Such a shame as a detail magazine is much needed. I just wonder what is going to happen with the money that everyone pre paid for (x) amount of issues:shead:
  2. Berscht

    Berscht Jedi Nuba

    opps I meant to put this in the Auto Bliss section... my bad!
  3. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    If it smells like a scam...
  4. advs1

    advs1 DB Forum Supporter

    i still am holding out that it wasnt a scam, but more bad planning?? i hate to believe that people would do something that bold and so outright. but who knows
  5. Berscht

    Berscht Jedi Nuba

    yeah its a tough call, Scam seems possible. That or a realllly unorganized person.
  6. bryansbestwax

    bryansbestwax DB Forum Supporter

    I don't think it was a scam, just more than Simon could handle. There were too many set backs and problems. I have the first two issues and it had some potential.
  7. Bob

    Bob Birth of a Detailer

    Do you have a link to where you read this? I hope Simon makes good and refunds everyone!
  8. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    Hey Berscht!!! You are still alive! Did you clear your PMs yet?
  9. Berscht

    Berscht Jedi Nuba

    lol I had no idea they were full Clearing them now! my bad
  10. detaildoc

    detaildoc Guest

    Here are my two cents. If this was not a scam to begin with, not informing people who paid for a subscription about this matter and not refunding their money is definitely dishonest and a legal issue.
  11. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    Call it what you want, but people paying for something they will never receive and perhaps never getting their money back... is a scam!
  12. detaildoc

    detaildoc Guest

    Perhaps DB members in the UK (is that where he is at?) could report this to the proper authorities.
  13. Hostage1978

    Hostage1978 Guest

    Don't care about the money I lost on the deal, just happy that I now know that I won't be getting anything in the mail:(

    anyone have a PDF of the 2 magazines that did get released? I'd like to read it even though it's kaput.
  14. pektel

    pektel DB Forum Supporter

    I'm sure someone could scan them. I have both issues that came out, but no scanner.
  15. advs1

    advs1 DB Forum Supporter

    send them over when you get done reading them. we'll mail them from member to member LOL
  16. pektel

    pektel DB Forum Supporter

    I thought about that, actually.

    "The brotherhood of the traveling waxits"
  17. Duratys

    Duratys Welcome to Detailing

    The fact he dosent/hasnt chimed in on this thread or the previous ones on here in a long time make me believe its turned into a scam. If bad juju came about and he couldnt deliver, then why not come in and say so? Instead he comes in with a story of a personal nature and says everything will be taken care of. That in itself got more people to buy into it.

    If it looks like shit and it smells like shit..........
  18. dschia

    dschia Jedi Nuba

    O no, i am another victim, paid for the first 2 issue and got nothing. Is there anything that could be done?
  19. Berscht

    Berscht Jedi Nuba

    Yeah i dont know what could be done. I know loosing around $20 is not a big deal, but that's a lot of money to be stolen off of multiple people. Even though this may not be an intentional scam, it is still a legal issue. Unfortunately, I know nothing about the law and especially legality issues when foreign aspects are involved.
  20. Duratys

    Duratys Welcome to Detailing

    Here ya go. Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) | Home It took me a bit to find this link again :sorry:

    File a complaint with these guys. Link forum threads, emails, anything you have or can find in regards to this incident. They will review it and contact the local police to make sure hes dealt with by the law. I hade a guy rip me off for $85. I followed the instructions and within a couple weeks he was contacting me on how I wanted to be refunded.

    Good luck guys.

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