I keep seeing most recommend using distilled water to dilute products like megs glass cleaner etc. I was wondering would it be ok to use the filtered water that comes from my reverse osmosis water filter. Or is it better to stick with buying the 1 gallon bottles of distilled water from target.
reverse osmosis water is fine. Heck i use regular tap water to dilute my products and haven't had any issues but reverse osmosis is really good so if you have that i would go that route.
I just collect my spit in a jar, and use that. Seriously though, I use the Reverse Osmosis water from my RO system at my kitchen sink.
It's funny somebody started this post. I've been working in a University research building for the last 3 years and never dawned on me that we have DI water available. One of our mechanical guys showed me were I can get it from....... All the DI water I want from 2 750gallon storage tanks. Taking 6 gallons home tonight And on top of that all the free sprayers and storage jugs. Alcohol and normal saline come in the containers so they are no way contaminated. Working at a University does have it's plus. Mark
I've been using RO filtered water for years, and it worked well...I use distilled water with ONR when making a clay lube...
why do you use it with onr for clay only is there any benefit to that what about when I want to make megs glass cleaner should I go distilled or ro
I used either filtered or tap water (can't remember) with ONR and added a few drops of Megs #00 high tech wash, and didn't use up the entire solution...it sat on a shelf in a garage and turned into "gel"...it didn't smell pretty...but I never had that problem mixing other solutions...