How do you guys wash your waffle weave towels? I wash them like my bleach, regular wash, tumble air dry over and over then hang to dry. Sound about right?
Um..this is just me but I've never put my micro fiber towels in my dryer. I always hang them to dry...just me though...but I wash all my micro fiber towels in my washing machine with hot, hot water and Micro Restorer...just me though :shrug:
I seperate my WW towels from my regular MF towels, but I doubt it makes a bit difference. The only reason I do it, is because you're more likely to pick up dirt on a WW since you could have missed a spot washing the car. You don't want that to end up in your nice MFs, when you're wiping down a car after having it waxed or so.
I wash my mf separately from my ww mainly because I don't want any waxes or sealants in my ww. Same goes for my glass ww.
I wash like color ww and mf together the first couple of times just so if the colors run, you really want be able to tell, not that it matters from a performance standpoint. I paid my hard earned money for them and I like taking care of them. I'm sure you guys understand me! I also dry them on low heat for about 30 minutes. They usually dry pretty fast.
Yea I keep drying towels seperate from wax/polish towels etc... Low tumble dry no heat!!!! I believe the heat will create static! I tumble dry for like 2 20min cycles then hang to finish em off! One day I'll come around to trying out the microfiber restore...see what thats all about!
Besides vinager, is there anything otc that would come close to what micro-restore does?? What is in micro-restore?
I do a regular wash with CG Microfiber, then air dry everything. Since it's summer everything dries fast but once winter comes around...stuff is going to take forever to air dry :waiting:
I only separate my workhorse mf's from my paint mf's, and separate the paint mf's by color. I also put them in a pail of hot water with microrestore to soak for a couple hours before putting them in the wash. If they are really bad, I suppose you could use an APC to soak them. You'd be amazed how much stuff gets released from those towels before they go in the wash. I dry them on low for about 20-25 minutes, then hang them up. If you don't completely dry them in the dryer, you won't get the static.
No idea what's in microrestore, but before I used it, I would use either tide free or dreft. no softeners, no perfumes.