Wash Comparison: AQ vs OC

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by richy, Sep 2, 2010.

  1. richy

    richy Guest

    The FX has not been washed other than with ONR since the application of Opti Coat and Aquartz. We had a heck of a storm today so I gave it a wash tonight. It is supposed to rain again tomorrow but I did it so I could observe any differences between the 2 products...and there was. When power washing initially, both products got any surface dirt to release and rinse away quickly. Who knows, I might not have had to use soap at all? I did however...old habits and whatnot. The surface protected by OC just seems to crazy bead whenever any liquid is put to it, be it water or soap. It rinsed very clean too. The AQ just sheets like mad...for both water and soap. The interesting thing is to watch the difference. Because I have them next to each other on panels, it is very easy to observe the difference. If it wasn't almost pitch black dark when I was doing it, I would have shot some video, but I doubt it would have turned out. Another time for in the day. The OC surface just beads like mad releasing a lot of water while the AQ surface sheets like crazy also releasing a ton of water. I did not sheet the water while rinsing. I only used the PW. The AQ left the surface with maybe about 25 to 30% less water than the OC. Not a big difference at all. Both still look amazing when done. The OC seems smoother now than it originally did too...It probably needed more cure time. Both products are winners in my books. Now, to play with the Cquartz!!
  2. christian900se

    christian900se Obsessive Detailer

    I have the same opinion through my experience with Aquartz, although it is simply too time consuming to use as an LSP in my mind. It is absolutely fantastic on trim though, the best permanent trim conditioner and protectant I have ever used.

    So you would say that OC was pretty easy to use then all things considered?
  3. richy

    richy Guest

    Yes, it was. HERE is a link to a thread where I tried it.
  4. christian900se

    christian900se Obsessive Detailer

    I read that post actually, but the FX looks awesome. I have to say, I thought that Aquartz looked amazing when it worked and am going to do a future 3 way comparison between Aquartz, Opti-coat, and Gtechniq C1. The coating hardness of Aquartz is by far the best at 9H, Gtechniq C1 at 7H, and Opti-coat having somewhere around 5H from what I heard.

    I can certainly sympathise with you wanting something that resists marring, soft black paint is a real chore to keep up from my experience with my '96 Saab.
  5. richy

    richy Guest

    Christian...have you heard about Aquartz's new replacement, Cquartz? From Avi, it stupid easy to both apply and remove. I will be getting some to try when it hits the market in a week or so.
  6. Amused

    Amused Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Curious...where did you find these hardness values? And which scale does it apply to?
  7. billyblooshoes

    billyblooshoes DB Forum Supporter

    Thanks for the follow up richy. I hadn't heard about this CQuartz. If its easy to apply as you say then I can see myself getting some. The application of aquartz is what was keeping me away from getting some.
  8. richy

    richy Guest

    I am very excited to play with it for sure. The timing of it is probably farther off than I thought...maybe closer to a month. As long as it's here before too far into the fall and that'll be OK.
  9. christian900se

    christian900se Obsessive Detailer

    H is a term for hardness, not sure the exact values that the numbers represent or what 1H of hardness is. Regular automotive paint is 2-3H. These values are from the manfacturer websites or from the information I got from the manufacturer when I inquired about the products.
  10. christian900se

    christian900se Obsessive Detailer

    I did, but to be honest I am somewhat weary now about going with another Aquartz coating since I was not super successful with it. I will probably wait for it to come out and see how the initial reactions are but I ordered Gtechniq C1 (new version) today to try it.
  11. richy

    richy Guest

    Got a proposition for you...PM me or better still, post your findings about C1 and I'll do the same for CQ.
  12. sal329

    sal329 Nuba Guru

    From what I have read C Quartz is going to be pricey. I am debating on G tec
  13. christian900se

    christian900se Obsessive Detailer

    I will, you have yourself a deal. This now makes waiting for C1 that much harder!

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