urgent quick paint question

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by Supertuner, Oct 3, 2010.

  1. Supertuner

    Supertuner Jedi Nuba

    I can use megs last touch detailer and #7 glaze on fresh paint right. Then I have to wait a month to put on any kind of wax or sealant?
  2. billyblooshoes

    billyblooshoes DB Forum Supporter

    i wouldnt put that glaze on it as the fillers may inhibit any out-gassing.
  3. trhland

    trhland Nuba Guru

    when i have my door repainted i used a q/d from the body shop they guy gave mke some. it was pink and smelled awesome but didnt have any silicone in it. so i used that when washing for the first month.
  4. Ian

    Ian Jedi Nuba

    I work in a body shop, using glaze or a detail spray on fresh paint is ok and yes don't wax the car for at least a month

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