UPGP vs Opti-Seal

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by heatgain, Aug 6, 2008.

  1. heatgain

    heatgain Guest

    Anyone here used both products and can give an informed comparison?
    I bought the Ultima sampler pack ($24, a bargain), have been using the UPGP and am pleased. To replace it when the time comes seems very expensive and the Opti-Seal looks similar but less $$.
    Is the Opti-Seal comparable in looks, durability, ease of application and amount used ?
  2. Bence

    Bence Two Bucket System Washer

    I have and use both and I tend to prefer the look of OOS. UPGP *may* have a slight advantage in slickness, otherwise the two are totally comparable.
  3. Shuskan3

    Shuskan3 Birth of a Detailer

    I don't have time to go into details right now, but in short I have found UPGP>Opti-Seal. Looks are similar but I still think UPGP looks better than Opti-Seal, and UPGP is much slicker. I stripped Opti-Seal after 4 months, although it was still going strong to try out Ultima. I am now on month 8 with Ultima and it's doing fine. On other cars I have seen durability to be about 4-6 months with Opti-Seal.
  4. detaildoc

    detaildoc Guest

    I find that Ultima is not only easier to apply, but is also more reflective, deeper, and less plastic.
  5. Gemini13

    Gemini13 Obsessive Detailer

    I'm confused. How would it be easier to apply??
  6. detaildoc

    detaildoc Guest

    I use the included applicator, goes on really quick, no streaking, no buffing. Of course, you have to learn to master the technique of applying super thin.
  7. Woob

    Woob Jedi Nuba

    Love both, would say UPGP for the higher end work, OOS for the production/mainstream work. Great products, dependent heavily on prep first! OOS is a wee bit easier to play around with, say with Carnaubas/adding layers.
  8. Chris@Optimum

    Chris@Optimum DB Certified Manufacturer

    There are a ton of threads on Autopia about this subject. There are pics of both and for me it came down to $$. It would have to be more than negligible for me to pay 3x OS.
  9. Bence

    Bence Two Bucket System Washer

    I don't understand the "ease of use" point. You apply both with your fave (mine is a MF) app, spritzing 1-2 times initially then wipe them *into* the finish. If necessary knock down high spots. Done. NOTHING is more intuitive.

    For me, UPGP can streak more than OOS, and has a less impressive look from bigger angles. From flatter angles it looks absolutely OK. OOS however, looks very reflective but at the same time warm, NOT plasticky, with pronounced light/dark transition. I was trying to replicate the wonderful pics using UPGP and went up to 4 layers - but still no luck. It has another strange tendency on my car; it holds the water. Even when I raised my trunk, the beads were sitting on their places on the vertical panel.

    My other, albeit minor gripe is the time factor when layering UPGP. It needs at least 12 hours (preferably 24) between layers, where the OOS can go on after 20 minutes.

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