Underside of 2008 M3 Hood

Discussion in 'Compounds, Polishes, Paint Cleaners, and Glazes' started by mrd0t, Apr 5, 2012.

  1. mrd0t

    mrd0t Obsessive Detailer

    It seems to have cleaned up some with APC, but would like to know if anybody has put a Griots 3" to it? What pad and polish combo? It seems to have a Matte like finish. Jet Black.
  2. chemgys99

    chemgys99 DB Forum Supporter

    Be careful it may not be clearcoated. I would research before doing any correction to it.
  3. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    I think most undersides of hoods are not clearcoated. If you have a ptg, take some readings first.
    If not, maybe just use a paint cleanser with foam app on it.
  4. Kaban

    Kaban Welcome to Detailing

    why are you polishing it to begin with? is it really that bad?
  5. mrd0t

    mrd0t Obsessive Detailer

    It had a nasty film over it, but some APC and ONR did the job without using the Griots. Pics up in a bit.
  6. mrd0t

    mrd0t Obsessive Detailer

  7. chemgys99

    chemgys99 DB Forum Supporter

    Yeah def not cleared and sticking any kind of abrasive polish would remove the paint. It looks good and wouldn't do any more then what you did.

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