
Discussion in 'Pre Wash, Wash, Decon, Claying, Engine, Wheels, an' started by ksj, Jun 17, 2009.

  1. ksj

    ksj Banned

    I get this 2 bay shop not on main road but it will do, guy wants 500.00 a month can't beat it but it needs work no biggie. But the guy never said anything about the water pressure there is like zero i can piss faster than the water. I asked if everything was good with water power etc. but at time nothing was on so i could not check. so if i have bad water pressure what can i do besides when i use the power washer to boost pressure to get better pressure ???:shead:
  2. krshultz

    krshultz Nuba Guru

    Call a plumber? Contact the city?
  3. ksj

    ksj Banned

    i called town in that area old pipes nothing they can do until new pipes are done maybe next year. an plumber want money just to come out bs thought maybe someone on here had same problem.
  4. GoFastSS71

    GoFastSS71 Virgin Detailer

    Trace the water lines. Sometimes there are secondary valves because the water is being shared. Perhaps the water main was shut off and someone didn't open the valve far enough. Perhaps a valve has gone bad too. A little investigation might save a plumbers fee.
  5. ksj

    ksj Banned

    Yea i did that only the main valve an a bleeder valve an all the lines are copper.town says it is in the main pipes.
  6. Nica

    Nica Banned

  7. ksj

    ksj Banned

    I was not saying anything toward anyone here just stating the problem from the guy i rented from so i don't see how that pertains to your expressing frustration thread. I'm new here so jump on me but when one of you guys that have 10 million posts say something it is ok.it is ok man chill i'm doing alot of typing an drinking milk an soon i have big strong high number posts just like you guys lol.
  8. lifemal

    lifemal Wax on..Wax off

  9. Nica

    Nica Banned

    ksj, your missing the point. The point is that if your going to be sharing here at Detailing Bliss please refrain from using street lingo, there is no need for it. It has nothing to do with if your new or not, just letting you know how Detailing Bliss operates. It doesn't matter if your not referring to a forum member, there is no need for foul language!

    If you don't like it feel free to leave!
  10. ksj

    ksj Banned

    I understand the point an that is how you guys come off to new members not just here but all the forums once you stay an have big posts everything is ok.
  11. odgaard

    odgaard Birth of a Detailer

    :shakehead: this forum isnt like most
  12. krshultz

    krshultz Nuba Guru

  13. J BELL

    J BELL Nuba Guru

    Did you already sign a lease? Why are you responsible for fixing this if you are renting this space? That is the landlord's duty...research renter's rights in your state. I know here that would not fly..good luck and let us know.
  14. Spyral

    Spyral DB Forum Supporter

    Get a 200 gallon tank, fill it and run your PW off that?
  15. Chas

    Chas DB Forum Supporter

    Not a bad idea, and that way you are constantly have a measurement of how much water you are using.

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