Just wanted to know if anyone here has ever tried Finish Polishing with a PC/UMD/G110/G220 or any DA for that matter? What pad did you use? What result did you get? What Speed? Was the play time ok? I know that 3M says that it should be used only with a rotary and at high speeds I might add. Thanks!
I haven't used it with my pc but I don't see why you couldn't on speed 6 with a finishing pad. The only drawback would be you are going to work it for a very long time.
We have and a lot We use the Flex 3401 with a soft finishing pad, speed 6, and slow arm movement. It will work with the PC but it will have a LONG work time. For the good ole' PC we have used it with a 5.5 inch soft finishing pad and speed 6, same directions as with the flex. It is great for taking care of any light tracers from the rotary but perfect it as much as possible via rotary first, it is a "finishing polish" and there is no sense in trying to make it do something that it isnt.
Thanks a lot guys! One more thing, any idea what is the equivalent of the Meguiar's Tan Finishing Pads in the LC CCS line, is it the Black, Blue, or Red? :shead:
If you want it for pure jeweling go with lc blue, red, or gold; black as a little bit of cut to it if you need very minor correction.