Truck Washing

Discussion in 'Pre Wash, Wash, Decon, Claying, Engine, Wheels, an' started by er1k, Jul 7, 2008.

  1. er1k

    er1k Obsessive Detailer

    What are your steps to washing a truck? Specifically the truck bed? Any tips on how to properly wash and dry it?


    MWAUTOPRO Jedi Nuba

    If you have a good spot to to do it, jack up the front end and put it on stands while you are washing it.
  3. J BELL

    J BELL Nuba Guru

    Whats up Erik, is this just a regular truck? not like a commercial huge truck? If so, i can share my process with you.....for most beds that you will encounter they will include nicks and such from hauling stuff around, i know mine kinda got that way after moving....

    I just wash the rest of the truck first, and then with the soap and water i have left i get at the bed....i actually crawl in there and lay down in the bed and work my way down, let the tailgate down and be sure to kinda wash the truck bed jambs, those are a common area to miss i for rinsing i stand where i just washed and direct the water out of the back of the bed and then in most trucks, water will escape through the front of the bed as well through small cracks, so i rinse the front end of the bed towards the front... wash where i was standing again and then dry the bed last....i use a cheap QD to make sure no spotting occured and i always put a layer of DG105 followed by Collinite bed is usually clean, i hope this helped and i was really blurry, but i think i was lol
  4. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    Great question, I've actually never had to detail a truck bed before! They've all had bedliners in the past...
  5. er1k

    er1k Obsessive Detailer

    Thanks for the tip!

    This is made plenty of sense! Thanks man!

    Yeah either have I and my baseball coach just asked me to do his truck so I gotta make sure I do a good job or I might not play for awhile haha :shead:

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