Tripod Worklight for $20

Discussion in 'Sale, Trades, or Bargains' started by lgixxer, May 14, 2010.

  1. lgixxer

    lgixxer Any Rag Vehicle Washer

  2. Mindflux

    Mindflux Welcome to Detailing

    the deal is already dead.
  3. Spyral

    Spyral DB Forum Supporter

    I was able to order one just now.
  4. GDAL

    GDAL Guest

    I need work lights so bad ... thanks for the link.
  5. lgixxer

    lgixxer Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    glad to hear. i got two myself. They had over 50 in my area.
  6. Sweet, thats almost as cheap as just replacement bulbs. Thanks for the heads up dude :hippie:
  7. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    ^^thanks for heads up. deff gona go out and get 2 of them. got one in fall and works great. THIS IS MUST HAVE FOR DETAILING
    replacement bulbs at walmart for $8 for 2 bulbs
  8. Bentley

    Bentley Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Thanks you as well for the heads up! This is an awesome steal @ $20 since I've been searching around for some replacement's a Craftsman to boot, instead of my old and broken, generic one from home depot. Gonna go pick it up tomorrow. :D
  9. Mindflux

    Mindflux Welcome to Detailing

    Harbor freight has replacement bulbs for $1/ea from time to time. :mounty:
  10. Wow, thanks for the heads up on the heads up. I've been getting jammed on my replacements :yikes:
  11. Mindflux

    Mindflux Welcome to Detailing

    It's not always the case, but just watch for specials.
  12. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    picked up 2 today, now we got 3 of them.

    sears outlet has them for 10.83 but i guess you have to find those stores, i know there is one in delaware i think.
  13. JonM

    JonM Guest

    I bought one the other day and just put mine together. Quick question, the two screws that get fastened near the removable, portable part...where are they? I cannot locate them for the life of me....I'm beginning to think they were removed from the box by someone.
  14. JonM

    JonM Guest

    Also, did anyone elses hand held light not come with a bulb?
  15. impakt

    impakt DB Forum Supporter

    That happen to one of mine!

    And yes, my handlight didn't come with a bulb.
  16. JonM

    JonM Guest

    Shit, really.. I don't mind the bulb, as the light was free, but the screws is really pissing me off. Anyone have any measurements so I can run to home depot later?
  17. Now, I'm understanding why these were so cheap. Missing parts suck :crash:
  18. Mindflux

    Mindflux Welcome to Detailing

    I better open mine and check it out.
  19. lasthope05

    lasthope05 Jedi Nuba

    The screws are in the halogen grill covers. They give you 3 of them. Also I dont think the hand light came with a bulb because I didnt get on either.
  20. AZN_C300

    AZN_C300 Birth of a Detailer

    My screws (3 of them) were in the assembly instruction packaging. Put it together and works great. 2 levels of lumen intensity. Fairly sturdy and a good buy for $20. (also got 8% bing cashback lol).

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