I came into this detail knowing the car would be pretty beat up. The owner has two show dogs that frequent the hatch often. The color really hides the imperfections well, it was definitely real dirty. The owner doesn't particularly care too much about her cars, her husband on the other hand owns the C6 I recently posted. Process: Wash: Poorboy's Slick and Suds. Clay: Clay Magic. Wax: Migliore: Original Paste Wax. Trim: Migliore: Brilliant Trim Dressing. Wheels: Migliore: Wheel Seal. Tires: Migliore: Bella Lustra Tire Shine. I had the request that the windows be spotless and streak free. As you can see they were covered in dog slobber: Before: After:
Looking good! :mounty: Did you have much trouble getting the dog hair up? What was your process for that? I like them Subarus. Thanks for sharing your work with us.
Nothing special with the dog hair removal guys. I have a attachment on my vacuum that seems to pull the dog hair out of the cloth, making it easier to vacuum up.