Trade Menzerna P203 for PO85RD

Discussion in 'Sale, Trades, or Bargains' started by wong600, May 12, 2010.

  1. wong600

    wong600 Virgin Detailer


    Anyone have the original Menzerna PO85RD available for an 8oz. trade? I want it because so many swear it brings the absolute highest gloss.. I already have PO83 (SIP), 106, and PO203..

    I don't want PO85U.. I want the original :)

  2. impakt

    impakt DB Forum Supporter

    do you have anything else for trade?

    I can spare 8oz of PO85rd

    power lock?
  3. wong600

    wong600 Virgin Detailer

    Don't have Power Lock.. maybe I can buy it from you?

    I also have Adam's Butttery Wax, Fine Machine Polish, Swirl and Haze Remover, Revive Polish, and VRT

    PM sent

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