Toronto Meet #3

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by bryansbestwax, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. bryansbestwax

    bryansbestwax DB Forum Supporter

    Well I was wondering what products/processes people might be interested in this year. the meet won't be until sometime in April but it may take a while to track down and get thing ready for another meet. The location is undetermined at this point, however if someone wants to donate a garage, water, ect, I would be happy to have it there. Looking forward to what interests everyone this year.
  2. Zookie

    Zookie Jedi Nuba

    You could have it in my Condo Building, i have 2 Wash Bays... But i doono how that would go over the Residents and Security... lols

    How the Processes about how to Clean and Condition Leather...
  3. bryansbestwax

    bryansbestwax DB Forum Supporter

    We may go one further, cleaning and redying leather. As ffar as conditioning, most leather sdon't condition well, the conditioner just stays on top of coated leather.
  4. leungly

    leungly Virgin Detailer

    I'm interested and will likely attend.
  5. Zookie

    Zookie Jedi Nuba

    I have Stopted Conditioning The Leather in my Porsche and Passat, i just Clean them... It feels much Supple now
  6. richy

    richy Guest

    See Jon's (TOGWT) posts on treated are absolutely right.
  7. Zookie

    Zookie Jedi Nuba

    Link? cant find it
  8. bryansbestwax

    bryansbestwax DB Forum Supporter

    any other ideas, suggestions, I have access to many different professionals as well
  9. Nikku

    Nikku Jedi Nuba


    Leather and Carpet dying is very interesting.

    What about repainting small areas of a vehicle? ie. sanding and grinding down(rust) to sheet metal and starting from scratch? BTW i don't know if this is feasible with the time restrictions lol. So i do apologize if this is far fetched.

    Additional services to detailing aside from interior like PDR, PPF, Tinting?

    Oh i forgot to add I would offer my place but I will be restructuring a few things so I probably won't be at my current location come spring time.

    Thanks for putting this together Bryan.

  10. bryansbestwax

    bryansbestwax DB Forum Supporter

    I can probably do PPF, and I have a PDR guy who I could ask. I have a ding or two in my truck. we'll see what I can do
  11. Nikku

    Nikku Jedi Nuba

    Sounds great Bryan ! I look forward to it. If you need help with anything let me know.

  12. bryansbestwax

    bryansbestwax DB Forum Supporter

    just confirmed a mobile paint repair specialist will be attending
  13. bryansbestwax

    bryansbestwax DB Forum Supporter

    Tentative date is may 2/2010 11 am till whenever. I am still working on the location.
  14. bryansbestwax

    bryansbestwax DB Forum Supporter

    date looks good, paint guy is in for the sunday, giveaways have started to arrive, I am just waiting to hear back from the location I wanted.
  15. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    Are you counting the hookers you invited?
  16. bryansbestwax

    bryansbestwax DB Forum Supporter

    if i told them there was hookers I would have to limit the meet to 100 or so people, teacher always gets first dibs
  17. Atom Bomb

    Atom Bomb Two Bucket System Washer

    Paint repair specialist? Like paint chips?
  18. Zookie

    Zookie Jedi Nuba

    lols hookers...
  19. jxu

    jxu Virgin Detailer

    Sounds interesting but I am going to be out of town that weekend. Maybe another meet during the summer?
  20. bryansbestwax

    bryansbestwax DB Forum Supporter

    ya, chips, scratches and bumper repair and repaint

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