Hi. I have a litre of WaxPolish Soft, a filler heavy AIO I bought from the UK. As far as I know it is advised to be topped to get better durability of the fillers so I'm looking for an LSP that is known to make a safe combo with WPS, keeping the fillers on the paint. And would also like to learn if it can be topped with a pure sealant. Thanks. Seckin
are you referring to the 1Z polishwax? if not, do you have a link to the product you are referring to?
I guess it is a bit older version of PolishWax. With milder abrasives and maybe more fillers. I'd think my question is applicable to PolishIWax also. I'm posting this message through my mobile phone and unfortunately I can't copy addresses here. I bought it from Shinearama, Uk. I guess I've got the last one. I hope giving the name of a non sponsor trades isn't against the rules of the forum.
Yes, :thumb: This is the product I'm talking about. Mine is in a different tin though. Thanks. I've heard GlanzWax a bit solventy and tought that it could strip WPS below. I think I'll add Glanz Wax to my next order from that shop. But if you say it can be topped with other sealant also, I can try it with Duragloss 111 or Klasse SG. How can I test if any LSP is bonding properly onto it? Any proper way of doing this or should I wait and see how long it lasts?
I've heard Glanz Wax to be a bit solventy in nature and thought it would strip the fillers. It looks like I should add it to my next order. I already have Duragloss 111 and 105 bu home. I can try them but how can I be sure they bond properly? Any proper ways to test the combo, or should I wait and see?
Hi, WaxPolish Soft is the formula that PolishWax (Metallic) was based on. So in many ways they are very similar. WPS does have more solvents which are not allowed in North America. However, we replaced a lot of the solvents with alternative cleaner that is just as effective but meets environmental regulations. Yes, you can apply Glanz Wax on top. The formula you are speaking of is the original European one which we used to have here prior to 2005. Regulations had us change the formula removing a majority of the solvents. I still have some old formula around but always go to the newer version. Much easier to work with and a better result. If you want to try the US formula of Glanz Wax you'll have to ask your dealer or they will have to ask your country's einszett importer/distributor. And if you can't get it, you can still apply the original formula of GW. I would just allow WPS to cure for a few hours so that it settles. Then you can apply GW. If you can't wait, rest assured that GW is not going to strip off the WPS layer. Hope this helps!
Thank you very much for the detailed answer. I asked the local importer of Einszett but they sell only pro and trade products. I found 1lt HartGlanz instead which I believe similar to Glanz Wax but no clues for the formula and carrier of course. It will arrive tomorrow. Is there any way I can tell it has strong solvents or not? Does the smell tell everything?
You're welcome. Hartglanz = Glanz Wax GW US formula is not avail (yet) in the 1 liter size. Original European formula - clear, petroleum liquid New US formula - blue/purple thin liquid cream