I've been removing RDS from a tintcoated corvette (03) red metallic/anv. colors and it is ridiculous. I got the RDS out with an orange CCS and menz IP but no matter what I use to final polish it back out, there is micro-marring. I've tried a white and grey CCS on PC speed 5 working slow with Menz PO 106 (Nano) and PO 87 MC (Micro) and nothing. Ideas?? :worship2:
3M Ultra Fina SE on a pad with no mechanical action (finessing pad) You should be able to get it locally at your neighborhood automotive paint supply store
I appreciate the quick response, but time is of the essence with this car and I don't have a whole lot of time before the customer comes. Can anything be done with any of those Menz products and/or CCS red or Meg's W9006 Soft Buff? Also have Meg's Swirl remover 2.0 and Meg's fine cut cleaner.
My recomendation would have to be Menzerna 85RD with Meg's Finishing pad, or any kind of finishing pad. This should make a difference. Not sure if you have Menzerna 85RD.