Thoughts about Megs Hyper Wash / CG CWC

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by kb2ehj, Apr 24, 2010.

  1. kb2ehj

    kb2ehj Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Wondering about your general thoughts on the following products:

    Meguiar’s Hyper-Wash
    Citrus Wash Clear Daily Wash

    I'm currently using either ONR for light cleanings and Meguiar's Gold Class car shampoo for all other cleanings and I've had no issues with the cleaning ability of either products.

    Both say they are heavily concentrated. (the CG CWC says 4000 to 1 is that really correct? Megs says theirs is 400 to 1).

    Cost wise I'm currently paying about $7 per 64oz for the Meg's product.

    Meg's Hyper-Wash is going for about $27 per gallon and
    CG CWD regular price is $36 per gallon but is currently on sale for about $18.

    How are the basic cleaning abilities of these two products? Are the worth trying/purchasing?

    Thanks for any input you might have.

  2. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    both are nice soaps. it depends if you wanna spend the cash.

    hyper-wash is lsp friendly and makes some nice foam thru a cannon.

    cwc can be used to maintain or strip wax depending on dilution.
  3. Audi2.7t

    Audi2.7t Two Bucket System Washer

    CWC has grown to be one of my favorite wash soaps. It foams well, provides a good amount of lube and depending on ratio, as slanguage said, it can either maintain or strip wax. If CWC is on sale for 18, i would jump at that price, seems pretty good. usually its around 20-25.
  4. TLMitchell

    TLMitchell Birth of a Detailer

    I've used Gold Class for years and never had a reason to change. It does what it's supposed to well and economically. I picked up a gallon of CW&G a year ago because a guy was fire-saleing it and I can't resist a bargain. Both of these soaps have excellent lubricity, make great suds and get things clean... or so I thought.

    I recently did a swap for CW&C with another DB member. I no longer needed what he was looking for and I figured I can always use some more car wash soap. I don't usually notice a whole lot of differences in soap which makes it even more impressive that CW&C really got my attention in more ways than one!

    I was careful measuring the measely 1/2 oz/2 gallon recommended dilution for non-stripping maintenance washes as I liked my LSP right where it was and wanted it to stay there. I've since discovered I was a bit short on the soap as my measuring was suspect. I noticed the CW&C made noticeably less suds than either GC or CW&G but still maintained excellent lubricity. What really got my attention was it's excellent cleaning power! The 1st use was on a not-very-grimey black car, not much of a challenge. But I was able to notice a stark difference, especially when rinsing. Everything was just really, really clean looking and feeling. I never had that impression with other soaps. When I dry I always have a good WW in one hand and another old one in the other hand for rockers and fender lips where I frequently pick up some residual dirt. Both WWs ended up cleaner after drying than ever before.

    I really never gave much credence to any difference in appearance comparing car wash soaps. I mean, the car's either clean or it's not. After my 2nd use of CW&C on the same black vehicle, this time really grimey and cruddy after a long Interstate trip in the rain, I found the total appearance, shine and gloss to be noticeably improved. Something I really never noticed with any other soap.

    So spill your guts.... where's the sale on CW&C? I want some!

  5. kb2ehj

    kb2ehj Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Hello TLMitchell,

    Thanks for the reply.

    I'm really tempted to pull the trigger and get a gallon, I should have seen this sooner last week when I was placing an order for some other stuff.

    'Sale' is directly from the Chemical Guy's web site. Don't really know if it is a sale or just a marketing gimmick.

    Daily car wash shampoos CITRUS BASED


  6. JoeyZ

    JoeyZ Obsessive Detailer

    Im curious as to the opinions of Adam's Shampoo. I have used quite a few washes that can be purchased form Pep Boys, AUto Zone, etc. and have found that Adams (when used with a Foam Canon) is a great product. I have not used CG was yet, but was wondering if anyone has used both Adam and CG and why they chose one over the other.

  7. SRM06Goat

    SRM06Goat Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    so if i put the cgc in my foam gun ill be stripping wax and not maintaining it?? i have both cgwg and cgwc i have both but have not yet tired them?
  8. kb2ehj

    kb2ehj Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Apparently it depends on what ratio your using.

    I might suggest that you start your own thread, as this one is asking what the differences is between two different products and the chance of somebody answering you will be slim
  9. zachc

    zachc Two Bucket System Washer

    I have both CG Citrus Wash Clear and Citrus Wash+Gloss. You don't have to worry about stripping your wax using CG Citrus Wash Clear. Citrus Wash+Gloss is designed to prep paint, or strip wax and sealants. The Citrus Wash Clear is similar to Citrus Wash+Gloss, but it is designed to be a regular soap and is pH neutral, as long as you arn't using way too much soap you'll be fine. I use Citrus Wash Clear in my foam gun with no problems.
  10. SRM06Goat

    SRM06Goat Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    thanks for the help, i was under the impression that the wash and gloss was going to have a gloss agent in it not a stripping agent?
  11. zachc

    zachc Two Bucket System Washer

    It may not completely remove some lsp's like Collinite b/c it is detergent proof, but for the most part the Wash+Gloss definitely strips whatever is on the paint. I see how you can get confused with the gloss part, I don't quite understand that either. It may have some glossing agent to help reduce water spots, I'm not really sure.
  12. luke093

    luke093 Welcome to Detailing

    NOoooo. CG Citrus Wash and Gloss is a great maintenance soap when used 1oz per 5 gallons. If you use more than that, it will strip the protection.
  13. TLMitchell

    TLMitchell Birth of a Detailer

    CG's "normal" price is inflated, IMO, considering most vendors are selling a gal of CW&C for $24.99. "Sale" price I saw was $18.95...still not bad but they want almost 15 bucks to ship it to OH. :yikes: I usually stock up on the heavyweight stuff around the holidays when all the vendors are trying to outdo each other with the sales and free shipping offers. :applause2:

  14. zachc

    zachc Two Bucket System Washer

    Yea you need to use it 1oz to 1 gallon like it says on the their site to strip wax. I just use Citrus Wash Clear as a maintenance instead of Wash+Gloss. While I'm sure you can dilute Wash+Gloss to not strip wax, you just don't need to use that strong of a soap for regular washing. I just use them for what they are make for that's all.
  15. vtec92civic

    vtec92civic Nuba Guru

    i cant wait to try this stuff. Getting the gallons out here in Hawaii is super expensive so a buddy was over in california for work and stopped by the CG warehouse and grabbed me some stuff. Waiting to try it out as you guys make it sound like a great product.
  16. Emile

    Emile Welcome to Detailing

    Strongest paintwork cleansing shampoo CG sells is Citrus Wash & Gloss. The "& Gloss" is just a glossing agent to make the paint shiny and give some light protection.

    Both CWC and CWG can be used for maintenance washes and for paintwork cleansing washes. The 4000:1 dilution ratio is a gross exaggeration. Just use 1-2 ounces of shampoo in 3-5 gallons of water and it will make for a nice wash with lots of suds.

    If you have even reasonably durable protection on your car, none of the Citrus soaps from CG will strip off the protection even at 2+ ounces per gallon of water and after that it just becomes a waste of product.
  17. zachc

    zachc Two Bucket System Washer

    Yea idk how they can say they are both 4000:1, that's 1oz of product to 31 gallons of water, and then say it is 1 oz to 4-5 gallons. That's like 1/7 of their initial claim lol.
  18. kb2ehj

    kb2ehj Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Several of their product descriptions contradict themselves when it comes to the mixing ratio, they will give you one ratio then two lines later another ratio claiming to do the same thing.
  19. zachc

    zachc Two Bucket System Washer

    yea which is why I don't use wash+gloss as a regular soap to be sure I'm not removing any wax.
  20. pektel

    pektel DB Forum Supporter

    I use Optimum Car Wash for a maintenance soap. I love it, although it is very new to me. I've only used it 4 or 5 times. excellent suds, excellent lubricity. I also want to try Duragloss 901.

    Before Optimum, I was using strictly CG CWG or Meg's GC. Now I use CWG for prep washes only. And the meg's GC gets used sometimes when I'm bored, or I use it to thicken up APC dilutions.

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