This rotary any good?

Discussion in 'Tools - Machine Polishers, Pressure Washers, Detai' started by Joshs2013MSAltimaSL, Jun 10, 2009.

  1. Spyral

    Spyral DB Forum Supporter

    I would stay away from disposable rotary
  2. Haha...I know. I don't want a cheap tool, but I want a rotary so bad that I'm looking for something decent at a cheap price.
  3. odgaard

    odgaard Birth of a Detailer

    a rotary is a tool u dont want to skimp on. save some money and get a good one
  4. Yeah, I really want a Dewalt but can't spend that much money on something like that right now.
  5. flash gordon

    flash gordon Banned

    I feel ya Bro...:giggle:

    Why don't you visit ALL the Local PawnShops and see what they may have, your gonna want 1 that has an adjustable speed...:chips:

    I picked up my Makita 9227 with a blown out cord for $85. $20 for a New Cord and a little time.:hmph:
  6. I definitely want one with adjustable speed. :)
  7. Mr. Shine

    Mr. Shine Birth of a Detailer

    Not bad advise. Definity check these stores out.

    Case-in-point. My first Makita cost me $100.00!!! Brand new!! There is a local pawn/tool/stereo hocking place in my neighborhood. I got a two barely used DeWalt 7inchers for 50 bucks each. Cleaned them up, turned around and sold them to a body shop for $100.00 each, and they went fast. That's $200.00 total. ($100.00 profit from a$100.00 investment) I then used the money to 'finance' my first Makita 9227. (EBay-$199.00)

    I also got a DeWalt Emglo compressor for free :woot: by straight trading an old circular saw and 12 foot fiberglass A-frame ladder. Both of which I did not use anymore. Tools do not make money just sitting idle in the garage.
  8. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    both of those on ebay look a lot like a makita, but i bet the quality isnt there. Just save some coin up and buy a makita. it'll be worth the wait.

    unless of course you can find a used one on ebay for a good deal.
  9. You guys would pick a Makita over the Dewalt?
  10. Darkstar752

    Darkstar752 Horizon Detailing


    Don't skimp on a rotary. Either buy quality, or not at all.
  11. I've heard nothing but good things about a Dewalt actually. What would make you choose the Makita, just out of curiosity.
  12. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    Are you saying the Makita is a better tool than Dewalt, if so you have no clue about tools. The main reason people buy the Makita on the detailing sites is that it is lighter than the Dewalt , Milwaukee, or Dynabrade.
  13. Mr. Shine

    Mr. Shine Birth of a Detailer

    I have worked with both. Honestly, if i had to choose....the simple difference to me between the two would be the D-handle on the Makita. It (to me) is just easier to move around and gives you the more agility than the one sided handle of the DeWalt. Not to mention the Makita is lighter. Lighter =less fatiuge.

    However, I have no reservations about asking Santa to bring me one of those new Festool Shinex rotory tools. :wicked:

  14. mrgolfrider

    mrgolfrider DB Forum Supporter

    Mmmm festool!!!
  15. flash gordon

    flash gordon Banned

    Yea, those "Festool" Polishers have really caught my eye as of late....

    I really don't even know why:shead: as my Makita never lets me down, I guess its just my Bizarre obssesion with Detailing Stuff >>>:thud:
  16. mrgolfrider

    mrgolfrider DB Forum Supporter

    flash, its not Bizarre..its just how we are.
  17. Mr. Shine

    Mr. Shine Birth of a Detailer

    I know. It's insane.......detailing is a sickness. My wife tells me I rub cars more than I rub her!! :giggle:
  18. Darkstar752

    Darkstar752 Horizon Detailing

    Not at all, I was talking about the rotaries that the OP referred to in the opening post. I know the DeWalt is a great, reliable, powerhouse of a tool.
  19. mrgolfrider

    mrgolfrider DB Forum Supporter

    Thats too funny...:applause2:

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