This is sickening...

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by Carn, Jun 21, 2009.

  1. Carn

    Carn Welcome to Detailing

    Before I continue please take note that this post is in no way meant to cast any people or persons of a specific nationailty in a negative light. I simply feel I need to get this out there and do what little I can to help from far, far away.

    I was browsing the Sea Shepherd website this morning looking for ways in which I can help stop the inhumane slaughter and plundering of the worlds marine wildlife. I have always been an animal lover and am very sensitive when it comes to the mistreatment of both pets and wildlife. With that in mind I once again came across something that upsets me to the point where I can't stop bawling my eyes out like a little girl....That being the slaughter of fur seals in the Canadian/Alaskan territories.

    The following articles posted on the Sea Shepherd site got me thinking

    Stop the Canadian Seal Slaughter


    What you can do to help

    and finally :loud:

    Red Lobster Campaign

    I know the forum is mostly comprised of US and Canadian members so would I be out of line to suggest we collectively sign a petition of sorts that can be mailed or posted to either the Canadian prime minister, or the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans ?

    I understand that things like this may cause friction amongst people who sit on opposite sides of the fence with differing opinions so I will allow Nica (being the owner and chief in charge of the forum) to decide if this is something he condones or prefers not to be involved with :mounty:
  2. Nica

    Nica Banned

    I personally don't have any issues with this thread however, if I get a complaint or if someone is offended and contacts me I will deal with it then.
  3. d00t

    d00t Welcome to Detailing

    It is definitely pretty bad stuff they do. I watch "Whale Wars" on animal planet and there's a Japanese chick who does the translating for them (because the boats they're after are all Japanese) and she is covered from head to toe in face wraps/etc because she doesn't want to embarrass her family, because the Japanese think the Steve Irwin/Sea Shepard's are terrorists :shakehead:
  4. Spyral

    Spyral DB Forum Supporter

    They are terrorists. When you board a ship without permission, illegally, you are committing a crime. I do not agree with the slaughter of animals for any reason but to make them into tasty steaks and chicken nuggets, but these wackos need to be shut down.
  5. razr007

    razr007 Banned

    I do think it is wrong but unless you get a large amount of people to step up there really not going to listen .

    An it is a shame to see what is happening but it is all over the world not just these parts this is big.

    Good luck cause i do hope it stops soon or we may not have anything left to appreciate in the future.
  6. Hostage1978

    Hostage1978 Guest

    I think both sides of the equation are tainted.

    I agree with the motivation driving Sea Shepherd, but I don't agree with their tactics. I also have major issues with some of Paul's other activities around the world.

    There is no right or wrong answer. The biggest problem is diplomacy. If government would get off the fence and make a clear set of guidelines to follow, there would be no/fewer issues.

    Whaling makes me sick. I just wish there were better people leading that march.
  7. gthal

    gthal Two Bucket System Washer

    There are always two sides to a story... and I can appreciate both. I don't really have a "side" so to speak because I believe very few people truly understand and are OBJECTIVE to the full issue.

    For the Inuit, the seal hunt was/is a part of their life and livelihood. I have also read that without a level of population control, the seals could severly damage fish stock and that would have a big impact on the supply of fish for human consumption. In many ways, I don't see how this is different than any other "hunt".

    Having said that, I can't say that I agree with all of the reasons for the seal hunt, what I see as the methods employed, nor do I profess to truly understand all of the issues. What I do believe to be true is that there is a significant amount of propoganda on BOTH sides of this. Activists have their agenda and spin the message to suit their purpose and often ignore legitimate arguments from the other side. The government and the seal hunters do the same. I don't know if there is a clear and correct answer and it is NOT as simple as many would try to make it out to be.

    I do believe that some of the stories you hear from activist boat captains suggesting the Canadian Coast Guard rammed their ships or illegally seized their ships, etc. is BS. Not suggesting the Coast Guard doesn't have an agenda (i.e. allowing the hunt to proceed), but I would bet they conduct their business under strict protocol and if they board and seize a ship that there is a legitimate reason IMO.

    Anyway, now that I voiced my opinion (or lack thereof) :), I have to say that am surprised that a such a political topic is being put forth on this forum. Clearly freedom of speech, etc, etc but I would have thought there would be better venues for this and that this sort of topic, although important and current, really would only serve to polarize those here and would be better addressed elsewhere... just my opinion.
  8. GoFastSS71

    GoFastSS71 Virgin Detailer

    There is a difference between farming and industralized slaughter.

  9. gthal

    gthal Two Bucket System Washer

    I don't necessarily disagree but could you elaborate?
  10. bigfoot

    bigfoot Jedi Nuba

    I am not a PETA member or anything, but I wish I could help stop animal abuse or killing just for fun. It makes my stomach sick with anger
  11. Carn

    Carn Welcome to Detailing

    gthal I didn't post in order to create a political agenda. I was merely 'speaking my mind' amongst many of the people I have come to befriend on this forum. My intentions are not to cause any animosity between anyone. We are all individuals and have our own opinions, I am keen to hear other's viewpoints regarding the matter and perhaps get an insight into how they percieve the situation.

    I won't get into any arguments over Sea Shepherds actions and methods of creating awareness (that was not the point of my post in any event) but what I will say is that in this day and age playing by the rules rarely gets anyone any attention.

    I think what he means is the following :

    Humans have needs, food is one of them and as such there are livestock farms, chicken farms, etc where animals are bred to be slaughtered to provide food. Whilst one can agree and say that there are needs the seals can cater for, the manner in which the seals are 'hunted' is shocking in this day and age. In almost all western countries livestock used in the production of food for human consumption are killed in a humane manner. What would people say if goats were bludgeoned to death with baseball bats or cows were hit in the head with pick axes before they are skinned, sometimes alive, to be processed into food products ?

    By all means cull the seals if they pose a problem to fisheries, but this is the 21st century, do it in a humane manner. I think the reason these animals are 'hunted' in the barbaric manner they are is purely to save costs and make the fur companies more money. I mean why pay for a bullet per seal when hundreds can have their skulls smashed in with a single, re-useable baseball bat :shakehead:

    I guess my main point is that this is a modern world we live in, there are acceptable and un-acceptable methods of accomplishing a given task. Hunt the seals to protect fisheries if they pose a problem and hunt them to provide fur for those who feel they need it, but find a way of doing it humanely!

    Anyways, like I said originally my posts were not intended to cause friction amongst any of the members on here :sorry:
  12. gthal

    gthal Two Bucket System Washer

    Carn... No worries at all... I never thought this was your intention and, like I said, this is an important issue for sure. My point was only that stuff like this has a way of creating debate that is sometimes healthy and productive and sometimes can be really negative... that's all. Hopefully everyone here can keep it on a positive note.

    I can't say that I support the sealing process the way it occurs today. There may be legitimate reasons for a seal hunt of some sort but what is going on today is, in my mind, wrong. However, it is a complex issue and I, for one, do not completely understand all sides and perspectives.
  13. Nica

    Nica Banned

    I too hope members can keep this thread respectful or else I'll have to step in and deal with it, like most things in life everything starts with good intentions but through it's course/path things get changed, altered and well good intentions are turned to nothing but arguments and negatively effects the forum. My priority is the forum and it's members :deal:

    So consider this a warning to all, if you have anything nice to say don't say anything at all!!

    I will be monitoring this thread very closely :tlaw:
  14. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    I have to agree with Carn. The way seal hunting is allowed to be carried out is sickening, especially in a day and age where many more humane ways to do it are available. Makes me embarrassed to be a Canadian.
  15. Carn

    Carn Welcome to Detailing

    Thanks Nica, as I mentioned my intentions are not to cause conflict. I would honestly like to hear from people on the opposite side of the fence, get some insight into how people possibley percieve the situation from the other end. Also of interest would be any constructive suggestions as to how best to put pressure on the people reponsible for these acts to clean up their acts ;)

    No need to embarrased Ken, every country has questionable policies that upset people from various walks of life :thumb:
  16. GoFastSS71

    GoFastSS71 Virgin Detailer


    Farming in its true form was where man respected the land and the sea.

    Industralized slaughter is where there are no regards for the land or the sea. Just take and move on.

    The activist point at a culture that hasn't changed with the post modern world in regards on how they hunt for survival. Do I like it? It isn't my place to like their practice of survival. What I don't like is the raping of the land and sea by industrialized machines.

    Farming of this earth is the greatest form of new wealth and industry is making it into a monopoly.

    More then a frog this subject can bring hours of disection.
  17. reefer_bob

    reefer_bob Obsessive Detailer

    I too am against the massive slaughter of Whales. I do feel however that on a limited scale, especially in the case of the Inuit it's ok. When the Inuit take a whale, it's for their lively hood. They use every part of the whale for their survival. I would hope that no one has an issue with this. I do disagree with how the Japanese have continued on with their farming of whales.

    As I understand it, the wales are near extintion (I haven't fully researched the facts). Farming whales for food has been deemed illegal except for scientific purposes. And yet they slaughter 100's of whales for scientific purposes? It's very sad.

    I don't necessarilly agree with the Sea Shephard's tactics, but if their actions can bring about greater visibility to the situation, and make the politicians stand up and make things 'right', then I'm ok with some of the Sea Shephards 'transgressions'.

    It's just an ugly situation. :(

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