Things are getting out of line here!!

Discussion in 'Sale, Trades, or Bargains' started by Nica, Jul 2, 2009.

  1. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Well it seems more and more individuals are trading items, which is good. The downside is that there seems to be more and more miss communications/miss understandings. I have not placed any rules or boundaries on trading items, the reason I haven't placed rules is because I personally don't feel they are needed. I mean it's common sense to communicate clearly with one another, how difficult is it to trade with one another :shead:

    Having said that, it appears that trading can be some what difficult to some individuals. So consider this a warning to all the members who choose to trade here at Detailing Bliss. I don't want to see threads like these:

    Nor do I want to see Private Messages being utilized to make another members look bad, Private Messages are exactly that PRIVATE!!! If you don't understand the whole private aspect of things, perhaps I'll have to start removing privileges on even having an inbox.

    To conclude, I expect every member of Detailing Bliss to be respectful to one another and that means no miss communication, I expect every individual that trades to be clear, maintain an open communication at all times and most of all to be honest with one another. If you can't do any of these things I will remove the privilege to post items for trade.

    The reason I bring this is up is because there have been several cases with a trade or deal gone bad, so it's best to deal with it and be done with.

    So everyone has been warned, next time I see a trade go south or next time I see members exposing Private Messages with out permission from the the author, I will remove such privileges same goes for trading.
  2. J BELL

    J BELL Nuba Guru

    Well handled nica
  3. razr007

    razr007 Banned

    Thanks an agreed well handled... I was just tring to help a few out with some good wax to try. Sorry it had to go the way it did will not happen again on my part.
  4. trhland

    trhland Nuba Guru

    as ive said before carlos. this forum is great! and your doing a stand up job running it . :applause:
  5. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    nice. good work Carlos. It is tough to control every little thing, but you do a very good job.
  6. Dannyk

    Dannyk Jedi Nuba

    Well put.
  7. k1msta

    k1msta Guest

    :worship2: :applause:
  8. Spyral

    Spyral DB Forum Supporter

    My apologies. I'm a little high strung sometimes. I'll keep it in check.
  9. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Thank you guys for the support, really means allot....but these things really are not necessary, luckily it doesn't happen often but with the growth the forum is experiencing I feel it's better to deal with things as soon as they come up.

    That and set or more like re-set the tone by what Detailing Bliss operates, the back bone of Detailing Bliss is honor, respect and honesty. May sound old school but that's what I believe in and that's how I'll run the forum this isn't new, it's been like this from the beginning. New members may not understand/comprehend what I'm saying but when such situations come up I'll make examples of them and re-set the tone of Detailing Bliss. Nothing wrong with a re-set once in a wile.

    Any who the point is that I don't want to set too many rules here, it's better to use common sense and courtesy.

    No harm done, but like I said should it come up again I will remove privileges. Weather it be no more PM's or not being allowed to trade items or not being allowed to post items for sale. So far one person has lost the privilege to post items for sale. I take Detailing Bliss very serious and I will deal with things as I see fit, the person receiving the punishment may not agree with me or may think the punishment is to harsh but if you don't have the common courtesy/sense to respect one another then you don't deserve to have the same privileges or be a member of the forum.
  10. Stems

    Stems Birth of a Detailer

    Well said again Nica. It's a shame more forums aren't run the way this one is :worship2:
  11. Carn

    Carn Welcome to Detailing

    Not sure what went down but good call Carlos. This is your forum and we should all abide by your rules whilst being active on here ;)

    All I would like to add is this....If in doubt pm Nica and ask, he always comes back with an answer and you know exactly where you stand from there on out :thumb:
  12. rwisejr

    rwisejr DB Forum Supporter

    I concur . Well said plain and simple !!!
  13. ps3king

    ps3king Jedi Nuba

    Thanks Nica!
  14. yukon cornelius

    yukon cornelius Birth of a Detailer

    This is my favourite detailing forum. Thanks in no small part I'm sure by the way it is run behind the scenes everyday!
  15. EisenHulk

    EisenHulk Birth of a Detailer

    Whoooooo Hooooooo!
  16. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Well I don't quite understand why some individuals just don't seem to comprehend the warning I give them.

    As previously mentioned when a complaint/issue is brought up to me the first thing I ask is for evidence, once you have proof of your complaint/issue I deal with it and I deal with it as I see fit.

    Members who refuse to follow the rules set here at Detailing Bliss put me in a situation I don't enjoy being in but I will do what I feel is best for the community/forum. My priority is the community/forum and if that means banning members then so be it.

    Now if your asking your self why am I bringing this up, well I wont share all the details but this is yet another warning. Those who choose to disregard the rules I've set here at Detailing Bliss or conduct them selves disrespectfully to other forum member(s) will be banned with out hesitation, I mean it but it seems that some members here think I'm joking. I assure you I don't joke around when it comes to dealing with an issue/complaint that is brought forward to me.

    Just a warning that is all.
  17. Spyral

    Spyral DB Forum Supporter

    It wasn't me this time, guys, I swear!
  18. dankfanatic

    dankfanatic Guest

    yikes, something happened again? I don't think it was me this time.....
  19. detaildoc

    detaildoc Guest

    [​IMG] [​IMG] :giggle:
  20. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    Nica I think you are doing a great job on an amazing forum. :afro:

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