Just in case anybody is wondering, the most up to date resource on Black Wow is our FaceBook groups page where you don't have to be a FaceBook member to view it. https://www.facebook.com/OnlyWow For example, today we show how to remove foreign and stubborn residue from rubber floor matts. Alcohol and APC had no effect on this, so PW was used and fixed the problem in seconds. BEFORE AFTER
Did you see the link? It goes through the process. Essentially there were several stubborn residues on the matt that wouldn't come off, so I sprayed it with PW, scrubbed them with a brush for a few seconds, sprayed a solution of Dawn dish soap and water onto the treated area to remove the PW, wiped it down, and blow dried it with compressed air. Then I Hyperdressed it for the final dressing. Sounds like a lot of steps, but only took a few minutes altogether.