The drive away...............

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by GoFastSS71, Jun 24, 2009.

  1. GoFastSS71

    GoFastSS71 Virgin Detailer

    I have been here for a few weeks enjoying opinions, great information, life stories and viewing the incredible work being done by those on this forum.

    I have done a few details the past three years and something that happens each and every time I'm done is what I call.............the drive away.

    It is the feeling of watching a vehicle I just spent many hours restoring drive off.
    It is the hearing of words of disbelief of what once was and now is from the customer.
    It is looking at the deep wet paint and thinking of those light refracting swirls.
    It is the sight of an interior too good to be sit in.

    Detailers do more then detail we restore.

    So take a bow and enjoy the drive away..............

  2. Hum-Benz

    Hum-Benz Wax on..Wax off

    My wife will laugh at me but I could stand/sit there for hours staring at the finished product with a "wow look" on my face. It's just a great feeling! Btw, I caught her taking pics of her Hummer when I detailed it.
  3. Spyral

    Spyral DB Forum Supporter

    HB, I do the same thing. I will sit and look the car over for a long time and if I had nothing else to do I would just stare at it
  4. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    I am with you on that also, what is even better is when the customer comes to pick up the vehicle he does the samething.
  5. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    I agree with this so much. I detailed my 1st red car about 2 months ago, and I was back at the house the next day, just looking at the car at different angles admiring the shine on it. It is just so damn satisfying.
  6. richy

    richy Guest

    I just do this on the side. The money is nice although I just seem to buy more supplies than use it to pay off stuff, but the true enjoyment as you have said is the reaction. Never fails. I have described this again and again as a labour of love. Nice to hang out somewhere with people who get it.
  7. flash gordon

    flash gordon Banned

    :shead:Definenatly Satisfying, Unlees you do what 1 of my customers did about 2 years ago.

    I had Detailed his M/B AMG S55(Black) and went to his office to swap cars with him Escalade(Black)

    Well about 2 hours later he phoned, He TOTALED OUT the AMG pulling out of his office. He said he wasn't paying attention, was buzy staring at the Hood of car"It was so clean, he" :shakehead:

    He went straight to the M/B Dealer and was driving a NEW AMG (White)before the end of business day. Must be nice to roll like that...As a matter of fact it is him who is working me to Death
  8. dadswrld

    dadswrld Birth of a Detailer

    I concure! :worship2:
  9. Strytnyne

    Strytnyne DB Forum Supporter

    looked so good he couldnt take his eyes off it lol!
  10. detaildoc

    detaildoc Guest

  11. Spyral

    Spyral DB Forum Supporter

    lol.. 2 weeks ago I was driving home after detailing my car. At a stoplight a guy next to me almost rolled into a telephone pole while staring at his cars refection in my paint. Super clean cars are dangerous!

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