Swissvax Mystery

Discussion in 'Sale, Trades, or Bargains' started by JonM, Sep 2, 2010.

  1. JonM

    JonM Guest

    Whats up guys. I wanna let go of my Swissvax Mysetry. The Tub was used for two light coats, and you honestly can't tell there is any missing. I'd like to get $435 plus shipping. I'll update this thread with some pictures later on tonight.
  2. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    Out of curiosity, how do you compare Mystery with Insignis?

    I have a pot of Mirage coming my way, a budget wax for when I don't feel like using up my Insignis.
  3. JonM

    JonM Guest

    I'm not sure how Insignis works for you, but with me it reminds me a lot of Supernatural, in that it gives the paint super clarity. Mystery on the other hand, isn't so much reflective, but instead deepens the paint. I will say though, when the sky changes colors with clouds or whatever Mystery truly is breath taking IMO. Right now I am thinking about trading my car in for a new one (keeping it hush hush) so I need all the cash I can get right now.
  4. JonM

    JonM Guest

  5. JonM

    JonM Guest

  6. floraneg

    floraneg Birth of a Detailer

  7. JonM

    JonM Guest

  8. JonM

    JonM Guest

    Double post.
  9. trhland

    trhland Nuba Guru

    im so happy with my swissvax concorso. i was thinking ofupgrading to mystery but i think illjust stay with concorso . its fantastic.
  10. JonM

    JonM Guest

    Definitely sounds it Tom, hopefully someday soon I can swing by Phils and pick some up, but right now I need $$ lol.
  11. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    Porsche 911 Turbo here we come.....
  12. Kaleo

    Kaleo DB Forum Supporter

    Twin turbo Phil...Twin Turbo!:headbang:

    Free bump for you Jon...GLWS and hope someone picks up this wax. Though I haven't had a chance yet to really try mines out except for one front fender panel. I've still got some unopened nubas to go through before I chance Mystery again.
  13. JonM

    JonM Guest

    A boy could dream, but I think you'll be happy with my decision Phil.
  14. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    2 door or 4?
  15. Frankastic

    Frankastic Detail Photographer

    its a S4

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