Here is the new 2010 SV Handbook (In full color). You can request it from SV UK, I did and thought I post it up to save some people time.
That was the older one (back and white), this one just came out and has some new updated products and more info one some products.
Forgot what it use to be but it is just a name change from some other wax that I can not remember right now. Same wax, and everything just new name.
I didn't see saphir but i saw mirage instead...they have 40% carnauba content..are one same wax with two different names or what? does anyone know? is the handbook specifically for europe, cos i see best of show instead of smargrd/concorso
Saphire had a name change for this year to Mirage, I could not remember it when asked earlier, but yes it is just a name change and the same wax is in the pot. It is a UK handbook, so technically everything you see is what SV sells. BoS is sold under the Concorso name in the state.
thanks so much for the info...i wonder why they change d for BoS, there are three names for 1 wax the, BoS, Smargrd n Concorso if i m not mistaken
Dont really know why they changed it to Mirage (I think they posed a reason but I dont remember it) Reason BoS is not BoS is because of trademark rules, another company already had BoS name (Griots I think) so they could not name it that. Then they had Smargrd and Concroso, but SV US thought why have two wax's that are pretty much the same but two names, so they dropped the old Concoros and replaced it with what Smargrd (BoS) is and put it under the Concorso name. Have I confused you yet? That is the story a least I have read (The whole Smargrd/Concorso thing)
don't know why they changed it either. saphir to mirage no clue. my 2 cents is they are all great but my personal go to's will be concorso and crystal rock, my very own insignis is coming so maybe that will be a good one : )
I will be looking forward to hearing what you think of Insignis. So far it has been on my car for 1+ month and still going strong.