I'm still relatively new at this, but maybe someone here can answer this question... I know glazes exist that can temporarily fill swirls, but to my understanding they do not completely make them invisible, and they have to be topped-off with a carnuba or sealant to have any decent durability. (please feel free to correct any assumptions/statements made here that are wrong in your replies) Now I know that bringing the paint down to the bottom of the defect (without removing too much, of course) returns a perfect gloss to the paint, but this can only safely be done a limited number of times. I guess my question is... why isn't there some resin/polymer/enamel/whatever that can permanently fill swirls and scratches? Is it just chemically impossible to do this?
Your assumptions are pretty much correct. Depending upon the severity of the swirls, glazes may not hide them completely although I have seen Megs #80 hide some nasty stuff before.Polishing the paint does remove some of the clearcoat, but very little. I can't say for sure how thick the clearcoat on a typical paintjob is, (can someone help out with this info?) but the overall thickness is typically 110 - 130 microns. Depending on how bad the swirling is, a typical cut polish will only remove 1-2 microns of clear. Assuming you give a car a thorough polishing once or even twice a year, with a little care, you will never go through the clear. And yes, there is a product you can get to hide swirls. A friend of mine has a company called Restore-FX. Its basically clearcoat that they apply by hand. It flows out like marine enamel and fills in everything. He demo'd it on a black F150 for me and to say I was astonished would be an understatement. Problem is that its too thin a layer to polish. Dealerships like it because they can make a piece of crap look great and it doesn't wash off.
Thanks 911 :sheep: Restore-FX eh'? I'm surprised I've never heard of this :what: It would make so much sense to me for something like this to exist. Does anyone else have any experience with this product?
I tried to find information on this stuff online, but there doesn't seem to be anything. Could you help me out with this 911?
The best filling products I know of and use are GLARE Zero, Micro Finish and Advanced These fill in for a very long time
Actually, Restore-FX is a franchise opportunity and the product he uses is what the franchise is based on. It is not available to the general public. And shame on you for wanting to hide those swirls instead of removing them! Tsk, tsk. LOL!
I do want to remove the swirls... I just want to do so while making the clear thicker instead of thinner :muscle:
Thanks Dream, this is the kind of stuff I was looking for :worship2: I looked up the company and their process seems very interesting. Do you have any before/after pics using this? :beg:
Most likely, I'll take a look in my library in Australia we have the best GLARE products available as the Aussie Distributor gets it made to his standards by them Thats why we have Zero, Advanced sealant (like 4 times the strength of pro polish) and Glare Infinity Plus Product Zero, Advanced and Spider (I've got micro finish in 1 gallon) Here are some afters Some befores
Matrix coating will keep them from coming back, but won't do much filling in of the swirls. Basically the paint needs to be corrected perfectly, then bake on the Matrix and you shouldn't have any more problems. If you also wash your car frequently, and not let it get too dirty, that helps too. John