I have have Wolfgangs Total Swirl Remover and Finishing Glaze 3.0.Iv seen many details turn out very well with cheaper products so my question is with using a PC how do others compare as far as time needed to break down and how much correction is done.Some cheaper examples im thinking of are M83 & 80,M66, PBs SSR line up from 1-3 and Pinnacles XMT 1-4.So if you have any experience with any of these polishes please feel free to give me all feedback.
I am curious why you want feedback on the others since you actually own the WG? I could see asking that question before getting it but not after.
I have used the SSR line, mainly SSR 2.5 and 1. I didn't care for them that much. I used with a PC7424. I don't think the working time was nearly as good as the Menzerna stuff. I found that the SSR dusted a lot. I know some people who have got great results with the SSR, so maybe it was my technique or pad choice/paint I was correcting. I will say that SSR products smell great!
Both are great products and both can be used w/PC & Rotary. #83 has a glaze in it and is more aggressive than #80.