Surf City Garage available OTC In St. louis

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by DirtyWeRX, Jun 4, 2011.

  1. DirtyWeRX

    DirtyWeRX DB Forum Supporter

    Hey, I went to the local walmart super center at the only appropriate time (2 am) the other night. I went to humor myself and LOL at some other detailing products they carry when I found out.... They now carry a (I assume) full line of Surf City Garage detailing products. I've people mention this stuff in their posts and I've read some of the reviews about their products.

    Now, I'm the kind of person who like to "collect them all" when I buy products from a company. ( ie. If you've seen my collection thread, you can see that I bought nearly all of the products that Adams polishes has to offer).

    You may call buying all their products a "bad habit" or "stupid". But I enjoy the variety and aesthetic pleasure of the way my products are organized on my shelves. I may have 4 different brands of car shampoo, but I like mixing it up a bit and using different ones with each detail.

    So, are their products worth buying?

    Are there certain SCG products that I should definitely purchase?

    Are there certain SCG products I should avoid? Or not worth purchasing?

    Is it just me, or does advertising "enthusiast grade" make you a little hesitant?

    Are SCG products efficient enough for "higher end" cars? Or should they be used when cleaning my moms 10 year old car?

    Just looking for opinions. from the way it looks, their products are kind of come and go when they hit the shelves in a local store. Should I pick their products up while they are here?
  2. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    Their tire shine is flat out awesome, wheel cleaner is comparable to AG CWC, leather conditioner is nice for maintenance but really doesn't offer any softening ability (maybe a little) and has a pretty strong leather scent, dash away is a mild interior cleaner that seems to leave a bit of sheen behind and can be used anywhere. I haven't tried Barrier Reef but I tried the sealant twins. It was weird, definitely added something but beading was "eh". Road Trip is a good pre-cleaner that really eats away at bugs and stuff (not really tar). Glass cleaner is very good, soap is good. Speed Demon QD reminds me a lot of Aquawax, the other is good too.

    My favorite of the group is the tire shine. It really stands out in my opinion, bone dry to the touch, lasts 1-2 weeks depending on weather, and a little goes a long way. You can really change the appearance too depending on application, but most common is a deep jet black without a greasy look, which is what a lot of people look for. Everything is worth getting and definitely usable on high end cars, but the LSPs seem to lack. For the most part, they are a rock solid company that blows a lot of the other OTC companies out of the water, minus a few (Duragloss, some Meguiar's).
  3. Marc08EX

    Marc08EX Jedi Nuba

    I like their Tire Pro, Clearly Better, Beyond Steel and Wax Demon. Definitely worth a shot.
  4. Vinbags44

    Vinbags44 Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    I love the tire shine.Its looks awesome...
  5. GDAL

    GDAL Super Moderator

    Tire dressing is awesome. I also like their "Grime Destroyer" too. I mix it 1:1 and use it for bug removal and presoak for lower panels.
  6. Bunky

    Bunky DB Forum Supporter

    I have only used the glass cleaner and it is nice. If I order any more, I will just get direct in 2 liters bottles. The shipping is flat rate.
  7. Emile

    Emile Welcome to Detailing

    Dash Away is awesome but weak on carpets. Beyond Black Tire Pro is awesome. Pacific Blue Wash & Wax is awesome, produces cotton candy foam through a foam cannon. Voodoo Blend Leather Condiitoner is good but the leather scent is quite strong...not bad, just overly strong. Clearly Better Glass Cleaner is excellent, extremely similar to Stoner Invisible Glass. Grime Destroyer is a nice pre-wash but not gonna put a dent in tar that needs a solvent cleaner to remove.

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