super deal on ZV...

Discussion in 'Sale, Trades, or Bargains' started by Twisted007, Feb 27, 2010.

  1. Twisted007

    Twisted007 Banned

  2. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

  3. floraneg

    floraneg Birth of a Detailer

    PM sent
  4. Twisted007

    Twisted007 Banned

    sorry i was called into work today bosses wife lost their kid so i had to run everything sorry i did not get back to all the emails an pm's till now i will do a 1st come 1st serve for this thanks.
  5. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    lost as could not find them or lost as dead?
  6. floraneg

    floraneg Birth of a Detailer

    I was scratching my head on that one too.
  7. Twisted007

    Twisted007 Banned

    lost as in dead they have been tring to have a kid an both times she carried almost full term an died. i really did not get into it with them that's a tough think to talk about.
  8. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    oh wow. thats very sad. cant imagine how she is emotionaly. maybe adopting would be better but thats different for ppl. anyway back to topic
  9. Twisted007

    Twisted007 Banned

    floraneg thanks yours going out today gave ya some goodies too:thumb:
  10. Twisted007

    Twisted007 Banned

    alot have asked if i would do trades an cash yes i will send me what you got an we work something out thanks.
  11. Twisted007

    Twisted007 Banned

    ok only one left an i will also included mf towels for free...
  12. trhland

    trhland Nuba Guru

    thats sad . very sorry to hear this ....
  13. Twisted007

    Twisted007 Banned

    ya it hit me hard i did not know what to say an i don't get it i think it is like the 2nd time it happen or something like that i don't get it. but i don't really ask info. i just fill in for the guy at work so he can be home with her crazy shit man .

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