Hello Everyone, I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction for a great product to use on the exterior seal of a 2010 BMW sunroof seal. It looks like felt and rubber, currently there is some old product (wax?) and I need to get it cleaned up and deep black again. Thanks! James
I tried Armor All vinyl cleaner and it didn't turn out too good on the felt part (dried up and left a white powder on the felt). That's what you get for going cheap. After some searching I found a Dupont product called Krytox that is basically a lubricant for the seal. It can also be used for door seals, trunk seals etc. Hope that helps.
I looked into Krytox and it does not mention anything about reconditioning the seals, it only says it is to be used as a lubricant. Is this the only product you use on sunroof seals?