Stubborn wheels

Discussion in 'Pre Wash, Wash, Decon, Claying, Engine, Wheels, an' started by bpmd210, Aug 30, 2008.

  1. bpmd210

    bpmd210 Virgin Detailer

    Hello there. New to this forum, have already learned tons from it. Recently purchased an MDX, which was not extremely well cared for. I'm stuck on the wheels, which I've (hopefully) attached before and after pictures of. Used Meguiars Hot Rims and lots of scrubbing to get to this. Do you guys have any ideas for me for removing the remaining spots?

    Attached Files:

  2. DJ_JonnyV

    DJ_JonnyV DB Forum Supporter

    I've had some good luck with a more aggresive clay on wheels. Try to use some that's been used before, because after you're done, it should go straight in the trash can. Lube it up with some QD, and then get your forefinger and middle finger in there with the clay and give it hell.
  3. zspectrum

    zspectrum Jedi Nuba

    megs wheel brightner
  4. Cyclo

    Cyclo Birth of a Detailer

    That's on the inside of the wheel. It probably had a coat of lacquer on it. It looks like possibly the brake dust has eroded into the lacquer. If it's down to bare metal, then the Aluminum has oxidized. You could take some lacquer thinner and test. Quickly it will erode into the finish. If you want, remove the old finish and re-spray, but it will just continue. Whatever you do, put a sealant on it to help.
  5. bpmd210

    bpmd210 Virgin Detailer

    That's kinda what I thought, that it had oxidized. I didn't realize there was lacguer inside. If I remove it, do you mean re-spray the lacquer? And by sealant, do you mean a wheel wax or something else?
    Sorry if this is a newb question.
  6. Cyclo

    Cyclo Birth of a Detailer

    You could seal it now with a paint sealant, or re shoot some spray lacquer on it, but it will continue to do, just what you saw before.

    Depends on how long you are wanting to keep the car or how far you want to carry on the restore. If you have the money, find a small machine shop and see if they have a lathe big enough to chuck that into and re-machine the whole surfaces down. That has a rough finish, once it's new and shiny, then a new coat of lacquer would make it look better than new.
  7. Grey Ghost

    Grey Ghost Jedi Nuba

    fortunately, aluminum alloy cast/forged wheels are cleared! not lacquered.
  8. shiny

    shiny Jedi Nuba

    I cleaned my winter wheels today and they looked like your wheels. Tried about 1/2 dozen products off my shelf and Poorboy's Spray and Rinse seemed to work best.

    1. Spray PB S&R
    2. Wait a few mins... then scrub with a brush/sponge.
    3. rinse...
    4. clay as required.
    5. Wax.

    Rims looks great now!
  9. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    Try Meguiar's wheel brightener 4:1 cut...wear gloves, spray on, leave for 1 minute, agitate with a brush, rinse very well...
  10. blk45

    blk45 Jedi Nuba

    It's not a bad idea to follow it with something to neutralize any that is left over as well.
  11. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    I usually thoroughly rinse the wheels when I use this stuff but what would you suggest to use to safely neutralize the remaining Wheel Brightener that may remain on the wheels/tires?

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