Stealth w/150k miles and CG

Discussion in 'Show and Shine' started by JLs Detailing, Oct 29, 2007.

  1. JLs Detailing

    JLs Detailing DB Pro Supporter

    Hey guys this is my first show and shine here so I decided I was going to use my 1995 Stealth. It has 150k miles and after some bloomin' baffoon put a rotary on it and really didn't know what he was doing it had a lot of swirls and buffer trails. I think the guy posts on some of these forums and goes by the name Wolfpacker ;). Well I had decided after talking with FMINUS that I wanted to expand and try the Chemical Guys line. He gave me a list of must haves and I placed my order.

    Well today was the day that I lost my Chemical Guys virginity. Man it was awesome working with this line. I loved the products that I used. I have some others and when my wife's 2005 Volvo XC90 is delivered this weekend it will get even more CG's stuff. For the swirls and buffer trails I decided to use the PC and Menzerna 106ff. I'm practicing more with the rotary and as I get better with my technique I'll start to include it more in my details. The last panel I did was the back hatch lid/trunk and I did it with the rotary and had great results, so there is hope.

    Like I said it has 150k on it and after today it looks as good as it did coming off the showroom floor, hell I think it looks better than the day it rolled off the showroom floor. The car wasn't horribly dirty just your usual road grime so the before pics are after the wash. I only had to dress the interior so I don't have any pics of that either. Also in the afters the first one is with JetSeal 109 and the second after is with the JetSeal topped with Pete's 53. Well here's what I did:

    Tires/Wheels: I cleaned the wheels with Surf City Beyond Steel wheel cleaner and the EZ detail brush and Ultimitt Wheel and Tire mitt. I love the Surf City Beyond Steel. It cleans so well. I used Majestic Solutions Super Green Stuff on the tires and wells. I use one of the Spray Cannons and love it. I also bought that from Majestic Solutions (they are a local Detailing company). I love their cleaners and dressings but don't really care for their polishes/sealants. The Super Green Stuff is far and away the best APC I have ever used. Its better than ARO and Megs APC. In fact the guy told me it would make the Megs look like water and he was right. I dressed the tires with CG Extreme VRP dressing and really liked the way it went on. The look was a bit shiny for me but after about an hour it had a much toned down look that I really liked.

    Engine: (No Pics, sorry) It got the usual rinse, sprayed with Super Green Stuff, rinsed, dried and dressed with Stoners Trim Shine. The Super Green Stuff is so good I don't even have to put a brush on the engine.

    Wash: I used the much hyped CG Citrus Wash & Gloss. I put it in the AG foam gun. The stuff cleans and shines great and it has become my new go to soap. It also foamed really well and I used exactly half the amount that I usually use of the DP Xtreme foam. I used my new boar's hair brush and rinse bucket with grit gaurd. The boars hair brush makes washes much faster and I have seen no adverse effects from using it. Dried with the leaf blower and guzzler.

    Paint: OK like I said the paint needed some attention thanks to my dumb a--ness, but that's another story. Anyway here is a sampling of what I was facing:

    I used the Menzerna 106ff and the PC with an orange LC pad. It took a while, but one thing I have learned about polishing is that patience is the key, but the results were what I was hoping for. Here are some before and after swirl pics:

    After polishing I took the car back outside and rinsed it with my powerwasher and dried with the leaf blower and guzzler. Now it was the moment I had been waiting for --- The JetSeal 109. I have heard so much about this product and was hoping it would live up to the hype. Well it undoubtedly did. It went on easy and a little bit goes a long ways. I love how the cure time is only 15 min. and after another 20 mins you can top with something else. When I pulled the JetSeal off the shine was amazing, very wet and mirror like. I applied via a gray LC CCS pad with the PC. The car looked awesome but I wanted more so upon advice from FMINUS I decided to top with Pete's 53. OK thin is the way to go and I went a little thick on the hood and it was a bear to get off. I went much thinner on the rest of the car and it came off so much easier. Really added depth to a wet shine and I loved the look. It was dusk when I took the final pics but man it really looked good in person even if the pics don't do it justice. Well here are the pics:


    Random after shots: 1st w/Jetseal 2nd w/Pete's

    The signature shots:

    Any advice and comments are welcome.
  2. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    looks good nice work, you did a great job removingthe swilrs this time around
  3. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    DAMN DAMN! Great great work as usual Wolfpacker, and what a combo as well for LSP!

    Speaking of LSP, I'm surprised you were LSP ready after using an orange pad. I must try that combo!
  4. Nica

    Nica Banned

    The vehicle looks great, I'm liking the color. It sure does have a nice gloss to it, the reflection is very nice. Jetseal is quite the product the more I use the more I like it.

    I have to admit I still like your neighbor hood, very nice.

    Thank you for sharing, the vehicle turned out geat.
  5. pirex

    pirex DB Certified Dealer

    DANG, nice work! Just look at that reflections!! I love jetseal to ;) Like how you went from orange to LSP, I have done that some times to ;)
  6. klumzypinoy

    klumzypinoy Nuba Guru

    That looks great WOlfpacker :D The car is just stunning.
  7. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    Looks better then new. Great job!

    FMINUS DB Pro Supporter

    BEJESUS THATS NICE!!! I cant believe I saw this ONLY NOW!

    Sometimes DB doesnt show me the new threads in bold for some reason!
  9. Nica

    Nica Banned

    The forum does show the new topics in bold but there has been so many posts put up lately that even I am having a hard time keeping up with all the posts. Heck there are a few posts that I've just found I haden't read...that's a wicked sign though :righton:
  10. pirex

    pirex DB Certified Dealer

    SWEET!! MAN, just look at it, DRIPPING WET :D I love it![​IMG]!
  11. Smith2287

    Smith2287 Welcome to Detailing

    Great work, yeah CG has some great products that I always use including Petes and Jetseal.

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