Started DA claying yesterday- I love it

Discussion in 'Pre Wash, Wash, Decon, Claying, Engine, Wheels, an' started by Dream Machines, Jul 30, 2009.

  1. Dream Machines

    Dream Machines Jedi Nuba

    Claying for me is the most mundane part of detailing so after years of putting up with doing it by hand, I made a mod to an old foam pad and made my own clay bar holder pad and began machining at speed 4 on my Makita DA.

    The advantages are

    use far less clay lube
    Much smoother finish
    Get out pollutants that you simply cant by hand unless you spent 4 hours or more doing it
    Totally clean paint
    Easier Machine Polishing - longer buffing time with no pad hop

    I'll do a video on it soon
  2. star1maker

    star1maker Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    interesting, can't wait to see a vid!
  3. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    makita makes a DA?
  4. flash gordon

    flash gordon Banned

    Love It^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    I love it when ppl show injunuity. Maybe 1 day everyone will use this method..It will be known as the Dream Machines Method :giggle:

    4 Hours to Clay ? Really

    Me 2 :chips:

    I'm not familiar with this either^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^:shead:
  5. Tim_G

    Tim_G Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    I think its this one.

  6. Erik Mejia

    Erik Mejia Obsessive Detailer

    Did you get your idea from the Griot's Garage Clay pad?

  7. green dimnd

    green dimnd Birth of a Detailer

    Funny, I enjoy the feel of claying by hand, and it's certainly never taken me anything close to 4 hours. Plus I depend on the sound of the clay to tell me when the contaminants are gone. But if this works for you then go for it.
  8. flash gordon

    flash gordon Banned

    I bet Richard Griot does want everyone using this thing^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    A whole bar per car. :giggle:
  9. dschia

    dschia Jedi Nuba

    O please do.. Doing a proper clay job by hand just take way too long.
  10. togwt

    togwt Nuba Guru

    Four hours for the clay process seems to be a very long time, even for me

    1.How long does the process take?
    This would be dependent upon many factors, such as how well the car is maintained between detailing clay bar sessions, what type of environment is the vehicle exposed to, how contaminated the vehicle is and of course the size of the vehicle. An SUV is going to take approximately twice as long as a Mini. A mid-sized vehicle usually around an hour to an hour and a half; I would suggest 1-2 hours is an average time for this process. Ambient temperature will affect its pliability and may affect how long the clay process takes, if it’s cold place clay in warm / hot water before use

    I prefer the tactile feel and the sound of the process as opposed to using a machine application, but that's just me
  11. Bob

    Bob Birth of a Detailer

    I have one of the LCM clay holder pads. I just don't like it. I've used it several times but always find myself getting a better job by hand. Plus the clay always falls out for me and I end up with it on the ground.
  12. Darkstar752

    Darkstar752 Horizon Detailing

    Does it marr at all?
  13. junebug

    junebug Jedi Nuba

    I prefer to clay by hand too, but, in the case of bad overspray on paint - maybe one of these thingies would be better.
  14. michakaveli

    michakaveli Welcome to Detailing

    I'm curious to how a pad was converted to hold the pad, the fit & finish of it of course. I have thought about trying it one time with the DA machine with that Griot's pad.

    Subscribed nontheless. :applause:
  15. richy

    richy Guest

    I agree with Jon and some of the others here about liking to hear and feel the clay as it is in contact with the surface. I will keep an open mind however and look forward to seeing the video. Gonna have any hot models in it??:poke::poke::poke:
  16. RNickolas

    RNickolas Obsessive Detailer for the video
  17. Ch40t1c

    Ch40t1c Obsessive Detailer

    I look forward to seeing the video, I never even thought you could do that :giggle:
  18. Dsoto87

    Dsoto87 Jedi Nuba

    I've seen those around but always wondered how you didn't mar the hell out of your paint.

    Ofcourse, yooud have to stop and remold the clay every so often, so I didn't see it being any quicker than by hand.

    And if your claying for 4 hours, you need to step it up to a more agressive clay
  19. Woob

    Woob Jedi Nuba

    4 Hours? Wow, efficient work can get it done within 1-2 hours. It all varies on how clean the vehicle is in terms of contaminants. As well size and surfaces matter as well.

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