Second detail ever for me! I was much more patient with the rotary this time. I rushed it a lot last time and figured it was a magical fix it all. The pictures all look great, but there are still very light swirls all over the car. I'm disappointed that I wasn't even more patient about it, and the car still has light swirls that can hardly be noticed. I'll fix it the next time I get a chance to, but my body is all sore, and I don't feel like doing it now. Also, if i'm completely honest, I didn't do that great a job claying because i had to rush it in the sun if I wanted to polish in time for dinner. Not that I did it in time any way. I tried my best to take my time on this detail. 10 AM - 10:30 PM and didn't even wax it. Took two hours the today in the afternoon to wax it. Materials: Exterior CG CWG CG Metal Polish Clay Magic Blue Fine Grade Clay Bar Clear Kote Quik Shine clay lubricant Jetseal 109 Liquid Soveran Wax Engine Bay CG Grime Reaper Costco microfiber towels old nylon toothbrush Paint Correction Hitachi Rotary Polisher w/ white pad Menzerna 106FF Wheels CG CWG presoak Wheel brush Meguair's Hot Tire shine Klasse AIO applied by hand Didn't get to use jetseal on the wheels cause mom decided to take it out in the morning, and they got dirty really really really fast.... Now for pictures... Before Don't be fooled by the gunmetal shade, that's all dirt! yeah this thing was pretty disgusting everyone has a clay bar so i decided to show mine too, but i'm cheating cause i clayed a wheel with this left side was supposed to be not polished and right side was polished. It was way more distinct in real life, but my camera stanksssssss. sorry guys! After sealant... this was cause i was bored and waiting... no wax yet, but here it is! forgot to take pictures of a few things so i snapped em at night with a flash! I'm very satisfied with the engine bay detail. It was easy because the E90 really had nothing I really had to cover up. Just spray and soak! The pipes are a different story. I used a microfiber cloth to try to smear it all on, but some really really stubborn dirt on the left one wouldn't come off... I'll fight it again next time when I get some steel wool. anyways, enjoy!
too much sealant, make sure you spread it thinly, i remember my first application, i went bananas applying sealant... awesome work though!!!
yeah, it's a combination of the dark, the flash, and too much sealant. I've been getting that a lot since i posted these pictures lol. Thanks for the comments everyone!
Have you got the pictures in the wrong order?? I ask as the bumper still looks dirty to me. Also looks like you have applied the sealant a bit heavy aswell.
hahahah yes i did damn photobucket moves your edited images to the top edit : thanks for the note, Jayplay, it's fixed now
yeah, but hey, jetseal is expensive! i shouldn't be wasting it in the first place yeah, the paint looks awesome after detailing! regular san francisco sunset district! costs a fortune now to buy
Haha that is exactly how mine looks like when i applied too much sealant. Was wondering if you had a hard time removing it? Mine took plenty of elbow grease.!
it took loads of quick detailer and even more elbow grease. but hey, it gave it half an hour to cure on the sides i didn't buff off yet haha