I am looking for Sonax products, more specifically the Extreme Wheel Cleaner and the Tar Remover. Any place in the US sell these items? If not, what would be comparable to them? Thanks in Advance, Roger.
Not sure where you can buy in the US but I will tell you that the Extreme Rim Cleaner is some incredible stuff. I got mine from some of my buds in South Africa and its one of the very best wheel cleaners I have ever used. Has the power of Megs Wheel Brightener and is as safe as P21s!
what about the price? And is there an online store that sells it? Worth to buy, shipping might be a killer?
Try a BMW or Mercedes dealership..thier car care products use to be Sonax ..and the prices were reasonable....they may have changed,,but about 3 years ago it was Sonax relabeled as OEM stuff.... Al
@ Slanguage check my thread in Show n Shine (Lady in Red) where we used the tar remover on the rims, fantastic stuff and seems to work very similarly to Tardis from the UK. Not sure on stockists in the US, I did make some enquirys with the local guys for JL but they came up empty handed. If there is enough interest I am sure I can get a gallon of each shipped over to JL and from there he can sort all you guys out....well if JL is cool with that anyways
You might try here: NEW Line of Sonax Products Ariving in Spring! It appears they have a limited line of their products; however, you might have some luck getting what you need by contacting the organization since they are affiliated with Sonax.