Sonax for the jap cars?

Discussion in 'Pre Wash, Wash, Decon, Claying, Engine, Wheels, an' started by I VIK I, May 29, 2011.

  1. I VIK I

    I VIK I Two Bucket System Washer


    First of all I must say I dont really detail professionally, I just do my own cars mostly and some of my friends rarely. I am looking to buy a new wheel cleaner and I currently use WB but with the health risks I am thinking about going to CG's diablo, but I also see that DD is running 15 percent off 2 of the 5 litre's of Sonax and I was wondering if its any good for my purpose, I have japanese cars and one of them just just a stock dd the other i did a litle bit of work on and has the EBC red stuff pads which i think are ceramic. I am not worried about the $136.00 Ill have to pay up front cuz it should last me a long time, and I like to stock up. My question is sonax is more so for german cars with the iron in the brake dust or will it work for me? or is diablo the better way to go?

  2. loudog2

    loudog2 Two Bucket System Washer

    I use it all the time on my cars(Infiniti and toyota's) and it works great. No need to use it every time. If the wheels are a little dirty just use soap and water.
  3. jsraaf

    jsraaf Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Agree with the previous post, I use Sonax (as well as P21s) on my Infiniti and Honda. I think the biggest thing is how regularly you wash & how much brake dust accumulation you're getting between washes. If you wash regularly and have pads that don't create a lot of dust you'll probably find you don't need to use a special cleaner often & as was said regular wash soap and water will work well.
  4. I VIK I

    I VIK I Two Bucket System Washer

    I was every 2/3 weeks, usually I dont but I stick to a wheel cleaner as it is less work for me, If I were to pick between sonax and diablo, which would you pick?
  5. M3ride.

    M3ride. Wax on..Wax off

    Sonax all the way. But its true if you're washing regularly you won't need it on every wash. But it doesn't hurt. One thing you might also want to use are wheel sealants. They will for sure help make washing wheels easier.
  6. jsraaf

    jsraaf Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    I've not used Diablo but by all accounts it's very good, so you wouldn't go wrong with either.
  7. SDMDChris

    SDMDChris Birth of a Detailer

    I love Diablo, but honestly for the money buy a gallon of CG Grime Reaper APC and dilute it 1:5 and it'll work amazing. I only use Sonax or P21s on super bad wheels.
  8. froboy272

    froboy272 Obsessive Detailer

    Be very very careful what kind of wheels you use grime reaper on....diluted or not.
  9. 9evolution

    9evolution Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Jap cars?? What would you call cars made in Africa or Puerto Rico. I have a "Jap car" I use P21s or Sonax both have worked great.
  10. Eleotay

    Eleotay Virgin Detailer

    I would go P21S over sonax. I really hate the smell and I just prefer P21s gel over it. But if your not doing anything crazy nasty then whichever you go with will be perfect. I have a gallon of Brown Royal on the way and will put up a review when it gets here. BR is cheap, safe, can be diluted, and appears to yield amazing results with little effort. Look at some of the videos on youtube. They are freaking amazing.
  11. Kilo6_one

    Kilo6_one DB Forum Supporter

    Jap cars, sort of offensive if you ask me.........
  12. I VIK I

    I VIK I Two Bucket System Washer

    Noting to be offended about, why would you think that I own 2 myself. The reason I specified Japanese cars is because I was under the impression that Sonax is for the iron deposits in brake pads which come standard on German vehicles.

    Again… thank you for your input I'm sorry if I made your butt hurt with my comment.
  13. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    They make cars in Africa???
  14. 9evolution

    9evolution Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    ^^My butt is fine, your comments are foolish.
  15. 9evolution

    9evolution Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    seriously you don't see the parallel? and yes they do attempt to make cars
    African cars.
  16. GDAL

    GDAL Super Moderator

    IMO, Sonax is a waste of money for vehicles that have ceramic brake pads. I prefer using AG CWC for both of my vehicles (Toyota and Nissan).
  17. jjl

    jjl Birth of a Detailer

    Jap is a derogatory term, started in America in wwii. I know the op meant no harm and not everyone is aware. We have a hot dog stand that sells Japanese style hot dogs known as Japa dogs. Basically people still try to avoid it.
  18. dankfanatic

    dankfanatic DB Forum Supporter

    never had good success with sonax on japanese vehicles. rather just use P21S, AG CWC, or Gloss-It wheel cleaners.
  19. Phil.P

    Phil.P Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    I use CG Diablo diluted to 5:1 and it lasts quite some time. I do clean my cars often so it dosent really matter.
  20. Kilo6_one

    Kilo6_one DB Forum Supporter

    AG CWC, CG Sticky gel, Diablo....... then maybe some sonax. but in my experience sonax is not a good all around wheel cleaner.

    and the term "Jap" is a very derogatory term, so is ****** and yes, it is offensive.

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