someone please tell chemical guys

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by nyrep1, May 4, 2010.

  1. nyrep1

    nyrep1 Obsessive Detailer

    i love their products i have been delighted with each one i tried...but please change the labels to ones that are water proof. im going crazy with the crinkled and or smeared labels....ok sorry rant over
  2. pektel

    pektel DB Forum Supporter

    Just buy gallons :D Then they won't be around when you are actually using the product, just whatever spray bottle you transfer it to.
  3. vtec92civic

    vtec92civic Nuba Guru

    yeah it's to bad that the labels are just paper with no protection but you know if they change the labels to offset the cost of that the products might go up in price. Pektel had a great suggestion. Even if you purchase the smaller bottles you can still transfer and dilute.

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